Chapter 2 - Welcoming

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Dear Harriet Potter,

You and your daughter seem like the perfect tenants for my property. We can work out a payment schedule at a later time, I am quite flexible and would be glad to help as I was raised by a single mother myself. Please feel free to move in as soon as possible. I'd much rather know that someone inhabits my property than for it to sit empty. The exact address is listed below.

Tom purposely left the letter without a signature in hopes of concealing his identity from Harriet until she arrived with her child, desperate to escape their unfortunate situation.

He felt so elated, he could barely contain himself!

His moment to step into Harriet's life, sweep her off her feet, and claim her as his own had arrived at last!

Tom's funds were much more than meager and he sought to use his money to his advantage.

Once he had sent his reply to Harriet, he took the day off from work to spend time preparing the spare cottage.

The small dwelling sat empty.

Tom had expected his renter to bring their own furniture and possessions, which of course, if Harriet arrived with any she wanted to use he would gladly allow her to do so, but her response's tone made him think she may come with few belongings.

Tom wanted more than anything to provide his beloved omega with a place she felt comfortable and safe to nest in, which was exactly what he used as motivation to decorate the cottage.

He worked until the space had been furnished to appear soft, warm, and inviting.

Any omega would have swooned at the cottage's gentle, rustic decor that invoked a hint of vintage charm.

Tom had thoughtfully pieced together each of the small rooms, one pillow and decorative suggestion from the shopkeepers at a time.

The kitchen had been outfitted and fully stocked.

The small living area had furniture and patterned rugs placed in front of the nostalgic hearth.

Tom took great care to decorate the cottage's secondary bedroom as a storybook-esque respite any little girl would have appreciated, from the glowing stars and floating planets on the room's ceiling to the enchanted mushroom seat by the bookcase that glowed whenever someone lowered themselves onto it.

The cottage's main bedroom had been where Tom had focused most of his efforts.

He had tried to remain as thoughtful as possible while he chose the room's furniture.

Upon completion, the main bedroom had plenty of storage space and lovely-smelling candles on every available surface.

Tom had laid on every mattress at Diagon Alley's largest furniture store until the shop clerk had recommended the most popular model amongst omegas.

He had spared no expense in buying many warm blankets and piles of plush pillows, which he had left in neat rows on the bed, hopeful that Harriet would appreciate his efforts and build a nest there.

The cottage had two small bathrooms, one in the hallway, and one in the main bedroom.

Once the lavatories were outfitted with towels and the proper supplies, Tom felt confident.

The cottage was ready to welcome Harriet.

He was ready to welcome Harriet.

All he had to do was wait for her to arrive......

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