Chapter 1

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I woke him up in a room I thought I would never see again. My hand found its reflex to go to the bedside table. I took my glasses and put them on. The door opened at that moment on my mother. My heart swelled with happiness. The doubt that all this was a dream scared me. I ran to hug her, smelled her hair, felt her soft cheek against mine. She was really there. I was back home. I had my body back, my family, my life.

'I love you, mom.'

' Oh..? I love you too, honey.'

She put her hand on my cheek.

' Are you okay ?'

I smiled.

'I'm perfectly fine.'

She squinted her eyes as if she didn't believe it.

'Okay... I made breakfast. Are you eating with us?'

I nodded without answering, my throat too tight.

We went down to the dining room. My brother was on his cell phone. I went to hug him from behind and he startled.

'What's wrong with you?'

'I missed you.'

There was a silence. I let go of him to see his expression. He was smiling but frowning, confused.

'You look different today.'

'I think so too,' Mom said, returning with a plate of eggs.

'No, I'm just back.'

His smile widened, showing his teeth, and shrugged his shoulders.


I sat down in the chair next to him.

I looked at my family. Sure, I was happy to see them. But this happiness was not complete without a certain person. The one who had brought me here, who had opened my heart.

I had to find him. The best way to locate a celebrity was the internet, right?

'Can you hand me your phone? I asked my brother.

He raised an eyebrow.

'Don't you have your own cell phone?'



I rolled my eyes. I went upstairs and found my cell phone charging on the bedside table.

I typed his name into the search bar. Apparently he had a press conference for his new movie in two days. But I wanted to find him now. I had been waiting for a month to see him again. The wait was supposed to end today. Surely there was another way. I only knew the address of his agency. But I doubted that I could get in without problems. I was so desperate that I was willing to try.

I took a quick shower and ran down the stairs like I was on fire.

'Where are you going at this hour?'

'I'm leaving!'I replied vaguely.

'You're usually late for work. That's a first.'

'See you later !'

In a second, I was in my car. My hands were feverishly on the wheel. At the red light my anxiety grew as the time between us and our reunion lengthened. I arrived in front of a modern building. My excitement waned as I wondered what my next move would be. An engine noise made me turn around. A black car had just arrived. The tinted windows prevented me from seeing inside. The driver came and opened the back door.

Time seemed to slow down as my eyes fell on him. His clothes, his face were different. But his aura was the same. I never thought he was a movie star. I always knew there was something special about him, something out of the ordinary. It made sense now.

My heart leapt in my chest as screams exploded from all sides. A horde of hysterical people surrounded him. Puen remained calm. I watched him briefly taking pictures with some of his fans. He had a professional smile on his face.

A second car arrived. The crowd moved and I could see a woman appear. Her brown hair reached her shoulders. And her red dress was perfectly fitting the curves of her body. The first word that came to my mind was: star. Her smile was bright. Her walk was elegant and confident. She went straight to Puen. The two of them hugged each other.

'You two are such a cute couple!' shouted a fan.

I heard something break...and it was my heart.

I had dreamed of our reunion a thousand times and never imagined it would happen like this. His life revolved around the fans, the cameras, the glitter. Where was my place in all of this? He was the most popular actor of the moment. And I...I was just a regular guy. Even though we were back on the same dimension, I felt like we were still from two different worlds.


I blinked away my tears and looked at who was standing next to me. A man with tanned skin was watching me. He was wearing a pink shirt with tight jeans.

'What are you doing standing there like a statue?' He asked dryly.

I raised my eyebrows.

'Do I know you?'

'Are you in the mood to joke around this early in the morning? Let's go before we're late. A manager doesn't keep his star waiting, although you don't care.'

'What ? Who's the manager of whom?'

He gave me an exasperated look.

'Unless you've been fired, you're still Puen's manager, as far as I know.'

He glared at me.

'I wonder why they keep you around.' He said before leaving.

I swallowed.

I turned to the noisy crowd. Puen was nowhere in sight. He must have already entered the agency. Apparently, I had to do the same since I was...his manager.

To go or not to go?

What was the right choice ?

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