Chapter 8

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Jungkook woke to the unfamiliar surroundings and a constant beeping noise. His nose scrunched at the smell of disinfectants. A groan slipped past his lips. His entire body was sore, as if he hadn't moved his limbs in a while. When he blinked his eyes, he wat met with wide pink eyes and pouty lips. Up close, those eyes were even pretty, and the pout so prominent.

"Little monkey," he whispered. "Where am I?" He glanced around and winced as pain shot from the back of his head.

The little fairy's lips moved, but the sounds came out as a squeak. Jungkook understood nothing. He felt a slight prickly sensation when the fairy hit his chin. The incoherent squeaking continued before it flew away.

"Hey, don't leave," he croaked, but the fairy was already gone. His little monkey slipped through the A/C vent and disappeared from his view.

Jungkook sank against the pillow and tried to recall everything that had happened before he woke up. His thoughts were scrambled.

A minute later, Namjoon poked his head inside. "You're awake."

"Hyung." Jungkook tried to smile but winced slightly at the movement.

"You scared me, buddy. The ambulance in this town is too slow, and I thought you would bleed out before I arrived."

"Oh," Jungkook remembered the fall. But he didn't have a long time to process because the little fairy was poking his head out from Namjoon's pocket. Jungkook's eyes widened, and he froze.

Namjoon, however, looked down at his chest with a fond smile. "This little guy here saved your life. He stopped your bleeding and guarded you until I arrived. Honestly, I almost shit my pants because of him. He can be quite scary."

"You met him too?" Jungkook asked. So the fairy didn't hide.

"Yeah. He threatened to kill me at least twice before he let me anywhere near you. Didn't know you were buddies."

The fairy squeaked something unintelligible again. Jungkook strained his ears to no avail. All he heard was pretty squeaky voices that almost had him coo at the fairy. He would have if not for the murderous rage on his little monkey's face. He could tell the fairy was furious for some reason.

"I don't know what you're trying to say, little one. All I can hear is squeaking noises," Namjoon said. "It doesn't make sense."

The fairy rolled his eyes before flying out of his pocket, and in a blink of an eye, he changed to his human form. Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath. He didn't know his little monkey could do that.

The human-sized fairy was stunningly gorgeous. Jungkook felt breathless, just staring into the pink depths of his eyes. It almost took a minute for him to realize the fairy was talking.

"First of all, I'm not a monkey," he hissed. "I have a name. It's Mimi. My friends are TaeTae and Yoongles." He pointed at Namjoon. "I didn't know Joon was Koo's friend. I thought he was going to hurt Koo."

Koo? Who is Koo? Is that my nickname?

Namjoon gave him an amused smile. Jungkook grinned too. So the fairy had given him a nickname, and he couldn't believe he was protecting him.

"Thank you," Jungkook said. "Thank you for saving me."

Mimi waved a hand in dismissal. "I didn't want you dying in my home," he said.

His home?

Jungkook cocked an amused brow.

"He is awake," Mimi said to Namjoon. "You said Koo can go home when he opens his eyes. I need to brew him medicine to boost his healing. Your stupid human medicine is too slow," he grouched. "He slept for a night and all day today."

Sugar, Spice and Pixie Vice | Jikook [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя