"Oh, God, Jungkook! You fell. Are you okay?"

Jungkook blinked his eyes, trying to clear his vision. Finally, he brought the phone screen to his face. "Y-Yeah. I-I'm fine."

On the screen, Namjoon's eyes widened. "Fuck! You're bleeding."

Jungkook frowned. "I am?" Then he noticed the patch of red pooling underneath his head. "Oh, God!" That explained the wave of dizziness. His vision zoomed in and out of focus.

"Jungkook-ah, don't move. I'm coming. Fuck!" Jungkook's hand slowly fell limb to his side. "Ambulance. Give me the number for the ambulance." Namjoon's voice filled his ears as he fought the dizziness. "My friend is injured. Please, someone, call the ambulance."

Jungkook's vision began to fade. A buzz was all he heard, and a burst of vibrant pink darted into his vision before it went blank.


Mimi was returning from the forest with his friends when he saw the human bustling around the greenhouse. He steered carefully away from the human and headed to the kitchen. TaeTae chirped cheerfully about their day in the woods while Yoongles lazily munched on an orange.

They were chatting idly when they heard a heavy thud. They scattered around, ready to bolt. But settled when they didn't hear anything else. It was already dark outside and looked like it would snow anytime. Maybe the clumsy human dropped something.

But the sound was too loud. What was he even carrying? Mimi waited for a few more minutes before he decided to check out purely because of his curiosity. However, his heart almost stopped when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Yoongles!" he screeched at the top of his lungs and rushed to Koo.

The human was injured and bleeding. There was just too much blood. An alarm shot through his system. Koo was in danger. Mimi didn't think twice before taking his Fae form.

Yoongles and TaeTae burst into the backyard, their eyes widening in alarm.

"Take him inside. We will bring the herbs," Yoongles said and then they were off.

He lifted Kook with little to no effort. Thanks to his Fae strength. He was stronger and agile in this form. Mimi carried him inside the home and lay him on the floor. He turned him slowly to access his injury.

Shit. How did he even manage this? He is losing too much blood.

Clumsy human.

Mimi didn't know how the human healing worked. He just knew the healing process was slow compared to their species and Koo was bleeding at an alarming rate. He has to stop the bleeding first.

He summoned his Fae magic, applying enough pressure. Slowly, the blood stopped seeping out. Mimi blew out a breath and focused on clotting the blood. That should work until Yoongles and TaeTae came back with the herbs. With the Winter almost here, Mimi didn't know if they would even find it on time. Besides, he knew the woods better than them.

"Oh, Goddess," he whispered. He couldn't leave the human unattended. His magic was the only thing that stopped the human from bleeding out on the ground. Tiny pixies weren't capable of such magic. So leaving was never an option. Sending them was the only feasible option. "Please find the herbs," he prayed.

However, the time seemed to pass with no pixies in sight. Mimi began to pace the living room. Tension coiled around his shoulders. Did they find the herbs?

Mimi was waiting for the two pixies to come with the herbs when he heard the front door open.

"Jungkook!" A tall human with broad shoulders and bulging muscles burst through the door almost ripping it off the hinges.

Sugar, Spice and Pixie Vice | Jikook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now