Special Agent McNight was a female and had the most time on the job between the two. Agent McNight takes the lead and breaks down the meaning of their visit. She finished with, "His name is Gerald Hampton he runs an organization known as THE BLACK MAFIA. We have been studying this group for six years and today one of them was arrested"

"Okay seems like a point in our books. What's does that have to do with me?" Demmec took in all the information he could what it sounded like was they needed a cover man and he was the one because everything they described he was capable of and fit in perfectly. Of course he wanted to hear this from one of them. It's always better when the boss suggest what you had in mind.

Special Agent Whiskey takes her place, "It means that by arresting him a new person needs to take his place. We haven't been able to infiltrate thier organization sorry to say, but this precinct has. Somehow. Which is really not good in the press." He says to the them. The last part more to him self.


"And we know it's best to allow this precinct to continue it's lead in bringing this organization down" Whiskey responds

"So?" Demmec, acting like he didn't get the catch line.

"So we want you to lead the investigation" say Agent McKnight figuring out that Demmec was way much smarter then they gave him credit for.

"Why me? There are hundreds of detectives that are far more experience for the job. Why not get them out of bed?"

"You weren't in bed" the captain responds.

Demmec smiles. It wasn't that he was under qualified he just didn't like working with our side agency people. Or just people period. Demmec was cool with people but sometimes a person could do too much and he wasn't a good peace leaver just maker. If it made sense it sure did to him.

"Correct. There are. But we need someone fresh, who is able to relate. You fit all aspects. We weren't the ones who chose you, your captain suggested we should talk to you" Agent Whiskey says getting frustrated with Demmec.

"Yeah I picked you. You know I picked you. This is what you wanted something more. Here it is besides, you know these streets better then most of these cops on the beat twice as long as you. In my books that qualifies you." The captain says easily but Demmec could tell this wasn't all though, "If there maybe a lead in this....... One that we haven't been working on. Your my first man now find me something. Most of our detectives have been made the others don't fit the bill. So here you are Demmec a chance to prove your worth."

"That sounds like it came off a movie" Demmec, getting the point but just had to point that fact out.

"Actually it did. It just sounded right to say" the agents cleared their throat at the same time. "Sorry, but yeah this is your chance what do you say?"

Demmec quickly thinks about the pros and cons of working with the feds. This was something that many dreamed about. This could hypen his career as a cop. There was a lot that could come out of this but also there was a lot that could go wrong if this wasn't played right. After processing all these thoughts he decided to go along with a kick offer of his own. "My partner come with me. I don't work alone or with other people."


"Oh and I want to know everything. I feel like you lying im out." Demmec says.


Donte and his crew of four sat in his navigator truck and watched their opponents operation. Donte was convinced to look passed the thief and focus on the bigger picture. Funny how it took some to steal for him to realize that he was being too nice to his enemies. His main lieutenant Brock sat beside him in the passenger seat. "What do you know this dude might have really come through" Donte say complimenting the thief. Donte nods his head, the three goons in the back seat climb out the truck and walk off. "Let's see if our man can keep his hands"

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