As if on cue, the three brats who made Orochi's life hell stepped out from the bushes, seemingly mad that he had known they were there.

°"So, it really is you Deku."

His sister said matter of factly, the twins either side of her. They all wore sneers, preparing their quirks to attack him. Orochi simply stood there, undisturbed by them all.

°"So what if I am? What do you three hope to be able to do?"


The male Bakugou screamed at the top of his lungs. All Orochi did was look at them as if they were stupid.

°"You think you are able to step foot within my home?"

°"Your home is with me, so I can use you as quirk practice jackass!"

Yagi yelled at her twin, who simply shook his head, turning it to the gate.

°"If you so believe that you are worthy of setting your eyes on the garden, then please, give it a go."

He gave them a smile, one that had devious undertones. However, none of the trio picked up on it. With smirks full of nothing but pride, they all tried to walk through the rainbow film.

Only for them to be thrown at full force into the trees behind them. The gate had felt their impure desires, their air of arrogance, and denied them entry.

The impact caused all three to yell in pain and shock, Orochi smiling at their misfortune. He finished their interaction by walking up to the gate, turning to them, and simply waving goodbye.

In the Garden


The three pro heroes all stared in absolute amazement, the Garden was beautiful.

Everywhere the people looked, a dance of colour and calmness was all that was visible. A surprising array of animals were lounging around within the kind, shining sun.

The group of students ran to another part of the Garden, smiles plastered on their faces. Excited chattering could be heard from them all as they left the others' line of sight.

Nezu was in a state of euphoria. The Garden was filling his animal senses with nothing but the calm. To say that he felt safe here was an extreme understatement.

Due to his quirk, Kazuma was also feeling the effect of the Garden, but not as powerful as Nezu, due to the fact he didn't have permanent mutations.

Their attention was stolen by Orochi, who had walked through the gate. He was brushing some dust from the stone gate off of his jacket, smiling to the others as he walked over.

°"My apologies for taking so long everyone. There were a couple of uninvited guests I had to remove from the premises."

Given his, well hidden, irritation, the others guessed that it was the Yagi and Bakugou brats.

As he rejoined the trio of Pros, he made a few unique seeds to a bird that had followed him in, instructing it to sprinkle them around the children outside of the Garden.

The bird flew out of the gate, chirping evilly.

Outside of the Garden


The group of overgrown toddlers grunted and groaned as they stood up, their backs aching something awful from the impact against the trees.

°"F-Fucking Deku... I'll... I'LL KILL HIM!!!"

The male Bakugou shouted. The girls nodded, agreeing with him. A noise then slowly gained their attention, pulling their eyes above them.

The bird that Orochi had given the seeds to was currently spreading them out around the children. As they landed on the ground, they immediately began to grow.

The plants' stems began to snake up the legs of Katsuki's trousers, and the girls' leggings. After a moment, they began to yell in absolute agony, entering an interpretive dance of itches.

They were being stung by the Urtica Dioica, better known as a Stinging Nettle. It would take a long time before they stopped itching like the plague.

And Orochi could not be any more satisfied with his little revenge.

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