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Cyborg continuously clicked from one channel to another, lazily sitting on the couch. Beast boy sat next to him, leaning his head on his hand, staring at the T.V, both of them had the same expression, they were bored or half asleep.

Star was on the other side of the couch, leaning against the arm on the chair, sleeping. Robin was on the floor, sitting up against the couch, his head on his knees and his arms rapped around his arched legs. Either he was on the verge of sleep, or he was asleep, it was hard to tell from the view of them at the door.

"What are you all doing?" I asked, with an arched eyebrow. Cyborg continued to click on the remote, Beast boy and Robin were falling asleep as they were.

I sighed, and walked over to Cyborg, I waved my hand in fount of him but he didn't move, and continued clicking. I stopped waving, I looked behind me, and at the T.V. Nothing was on, the T.V was just black, I sighed and turned my head back at Cyborg, was he clicking on it in his sleep? His eye was closed.

I took the remote out of Cyborg's hand, and hovered over to the desk next to the T.V. I looked back at all of them, they were all asleep. A better question was how I would get them all to their rooms.

I groaned, and turned my attention towards Beast boy. I decided he was the lightest and picked him up in a bridal style way and carried him up to his room. I walked in, what a mess.

I walked over to his bed and placed him down, pulling his covers over him. I turned, and started walking out as he started to snore. I stopped at his door and looked over my shoulder, he looked cute in his sleep.

I quickly turned my head back around at the thought and left his room, and headed back over to the others, Cyborg had fallen over, and was lying on the couch, fast asleep snoring. Star and Robin were fully asleep in the same spot.

I walked up to Star and picked her up same as Beast boy, and carried her to her room, walked in, placed her down, and left her room to get the others two to their rooms.

Cyborg was next, my attempt at carrying him quickly lead to him on the floor. Instead I just hovered him into his room, if I tried carrying him again I would have properly broken my spine.

I walked back into the room, as only Robin stayed asleep. His arm was lying on the floor, and the other arm was still rapped around his legs. His head was dropped on his knees, his eyes stayed closed and his mouth was a little open.

I walked over to him and crouched down in fount of him. What to do now; let you stay out here for your punishment for staying up late or take you to your room?

I sighed, and poked his shoulder, he didn't flinch until after a few pokes. His eyes slowly opened, though his mask easily covered them. His head slowly lifted up from his knees and he looked around, confused of where he was, then turned to face me.

"R-Raven?" He shuttered, guessing he's still half asleep. His eyes were half open, and his left hand was still lying on the ground. I nodded for a reply, and looked over at the couch, so he could follow.

"I took the others to their room" I told him, he looked over at the couch, his eyes still half open. "You should properly go to bed as well" I suggested, he looked away from the couch, dazed, and nodded, then looked back at me.

"Yeah . . ." he answered, yawning , and covered his mouth as the yawn finished. I stood up and waited for him to stand. I rolled my eyes at his attempt, he stubbled and fell onto his knees. Knowing he wasn't going to get up without falling over, I lifted his arm over my shoulder and picked him up the same as I did with Star and Beast boy.

He didn't really take it as a surprise, as his eyes were still half open and he didn't even have enough energy to lift his head, because it soon fell onto my shoulder.

As I carried him to his room, I noted that Robin was rather light, I hadn't even noticed that when I walked into his room his arm was dangling off his stomach.

He was half asleep in my arms, as I placed him down on his bed. A hand over his stomach, and one on his side. He also looked kinda cute in his sleep.

Geez! Stop will you.

I quickly turned around and headed for the door. I stood there, facing to closed door, as a small mumble came out from behind me.

"Night... Raven" Robin's small humble voice uttered. I could sense that he was sitting up, properly a bit more awake now.

I sighed, my hand on the door, and my head down against it. I muttered back to him, without even a glance.

"Go back to sleep, Robin"

The door opened, my head and hand both moved off it as it slid open. I pulled my hood over my head as I left Robin's room.

"Wait, Raven--" he quickly jumped off his bed to stop me, but the door slammed shut before his sentence could finish.

I sighed once again, before walking away from Robin's bedroom door, and back to my own room.

I stood in fount of my door,  before it opened, and I walked back in. Wind instead blew my hood off as I took a step inside. My arm covered my eyes, as the wind started to slow down, I moved my arm away.

I walked in farther, wind still blowing around in my room. I looked around, the window was opened, and my bed had been messed up, a lot.

My pillows were scattered, and my blanket was half way off my bed, the sheet was the only thing still on my bed.

The other thing that wasn't completely messed up on my bed was a small note pinned down into my sheets, fluttering around with the wind that was still blowing around my room.

I walked over to my bed and pick it up, taking the pin out of my bed also. I looked at the pin before throwing it behind me. I turned my gaze towards the note  in my other hand, before grabbing it with both hands and flipping the folded sheet of paper open, reading over the words.

'Yo, Rae-rae, come join me at the party! I'll be waiting for you. Oh, and so you don't get cold feet. I have your mirror'
'Green-louse warehouse'  

I gritted my teeth, that's the abandoned warehouse on the other side of Jump City. I knew he was a stalker, but to steal my mirror, the Jerk.

I crunched the note in my hand, this is taking it to far. A sly growl came out of my mouth, before I threw the scrunched up piece of paper on the ground, and levitated. I quickly flew outside through my open window, and out into the city again.

And all I wanted to do was go to sleep, this guy is taking it to far.  

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