81| Barty Crouch Jr.

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When we had made it to Moody's office, Dumbledore used a spell to throw open the door. Apparently, it also threw back Moody, who had landed in a chair. Harry was in the corner of the room, behind a large chest. 

''Severus. . .'' Dumbledore beckons, holding the jacket of Moody. Well, whoever decided to use Polyjuice to shape into Moody. Snape comes out with a vial of veritaserum, pouring some into the mouth of the person in the chair. ''Do you know who I am?'' He furiously asked. 

''Albus Dumbleodre'' He answered to the best he could. 

''Are you Alastor Moody? Are ya?'' Dumbledore urged, awaiting the answer. 


''Is he in this room?'' When Dumbledore didn't receive any answer, it looked like he was about to end the man right then and there. ''Is he in this room?'' He shouted. The magical eye had moved over to the chest, where Harry was practically hiding behind. ''Harry! Get away from there.'' McGonagall leads him over to the side. 

Dumbledore waves his wand at the chest, which opens and shows a bunch of smaller chests. I happened to look over at the man sitting in the chair, who was leaned back and staring at the chest. His magical eye had swerved, skipping over Dumbledore and looking at me, who is standing between Harry and Snape. 

''Are you alright, Alastor?'' Dumbledore looked down into the chest, talking to the real Alastor Moody. 

''I'm sorry, Albus.'' He faintly replied. 

''That's Moody, but then who's. . .'' Harry looked back to the man in the chair.

''Polyjuice Potion.'' I let out, Snape hadn't even opened the flask yet. He gave me a discreet look before handing the flask over to Dumbledore. 

''Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus.'' Harry gave me a questioning look, trying to figure out how I had known before Snape even opened the flask. I just ignored it, since Hermione had given me the same look and I didn't have the time or the need to explain how I had done so. ''We'll get you up in a minute.'' Dumbledore shouted down at the real Moody. 

The man in the chair had started to turn back, his skin bubbling all over. I still remember when we had to do that, I hated every minute of it. And not because I had to be Parkinson, but the overall feeling of being someone else and drinking the potion, disgusting. The man rips off the magical eye, throwing it to the floor before he finishes transforming. 

His head is tilted down towards the ground, his tongue flicking out of his mouth. He had brown shaggy hair, a slight grin on his face as is he wasn't in a room filled with people that just exposed him. His skin was pale and his face was freckled, his brown eyes looking between us all as I subconsciously took a step behind Snape. If anything was to happen, I know that Snape would probably be the last one standing, so he was my shield. 

It looked like a small frown had replaced the grin when I stepped behind Snape, like he was disappointed or saddened by the action. 

''Barty Crouch Jr.'' Dumbledore announces. Harry looks incredulously at the man, holding his arm. 

''I'll show you mine if you show me yours.'' Barty Crouch Jr. then rolls up his sleeve, the familiar marking if the skull and the snake was moving around. 

''Your arm, Harry.'' He grabs the boy, rolling up his sleeve and putting it next to Barty Crouch Jr.'s arm. 

''You know what this means don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned.'' I gave out a silent gasp, I hadn't heard the news of this. Harry knew, surely he was shouting it when he had came out of the maze with Cedric, but I didn't hear it over my sobs. 

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang