My guys would be runners...

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A/N - this is a very rough idea that popped into my head during the night for a one shot. It's probably a little bit weird but it's how I imagined Maya would try to handle this part of the sperm process 🙈 Oh and Maya is still Captain just because I can do that! 😂

Anyways... hope you enjoy. Leave comments and let me know what you think.


Maya peppered her wife's face with kisses as they lay in bed listening to the rain battering down on the window. She could tell Carina was distracted though. "Babe, what is it?" She asked as she run her fingers through the Italian's brown curls, lightly scratching her scalp at the same time.

"Ugh, nothing. Nothing. Let's keep going" she said as she connected her lips with the blonde lying on top of her. Maya pulled away though as she was still concerned "baby, you're distracted and I can feel that your body isn't relaxed. Please tell me what's going on in that beautiful brain of yours?" "Hmmm, it just feels weird. I feel weird doing this when I know he's across the hall doing what he's doing." Carina mumbled as she stared into her favourite set of eyes. "I know babe but this is what you want and we can't do this without him, unfortunately" Maya sighed as she pulled her eyes together in a frown. "Can we just pretend he's not here? Come on, I'll put some music on so he can't hear us. Right here in this moment, it's just you and I babe. No one else matters. We both want this and it will be beautiful eventually" Maya smiled as she hit play on her phone and the speaker started to play Carina's favourite Italian playlist. The doctor couldn't help but smile at just how well her little blonde fire captain knew her. She leant up capturing Maya's lips once more in a kiss. Only this time it was filled with fire.

Maya felt that this was a different kiss. She could feel Carina's body start to move under her which prompted her to kiss her wife a little harder. This resulted in a moan being drawn into her mouth from the brunette below her. The kiss became hungrier, the two women only parting when air became a necessity. Maya wasted no time though as she moved her lips down to her wife's neck. Kissing and nibbling the skin as she slowly trailed lower until she was now at Carina's collar bone. Her hands crept slowly upwards under the wool sweater that covered the olive skin below.

She sat up pulling the Italian with her so she was able to remove the sweater without wasting too much time. Much to her delight, the removal of the sweater revealed that her gorgeous Mediterranean beauty was wearing no bra and she could tell by looking that Carina was very turned on now. She sat there, straddling Carina's lap as she continued to kiss and bite her neck, soothing the area with her tongue each time.

Goosebumps had risen on the brunette's skin and her breathing was getting heavier. Maya knew things were definitely going in the right direction. She needed Jack to hurry so she could test her new invention. She couldn't help but remember the conversation she'd had with her wife a week earlier.

"You know that strap that we hardly use these days because it's kind of rubbery?" Maya asked her wife as they tidied their dinner plates from the table. "Uh, random, but yes, I know the one" carina answered looking at her wife for an explanation. "Well... I think I may have had an idea..." the blonde continued although blushing slightly. "Go on..." Carina encouraged as she wiped the table. "Ok, so now that Jack is on board and all the tests are done and we've set aside Wednesday next week for operation implant" "Bambina, I wish you wouldn't call it that" Carina laughed as she cut the blonde off. "Right, sorry. But I think it's funny" Maya continued. "Anyways, I uh... I had a thought. And it's maybe weird but I think it'll make the whole process feel less clinical and less transactional and maybe, just maybe might make me feel like I'm contributing to the baby making part of the whole thing" she said with a sad face. "Bella... you will be contributing. You'll be making sure I'm as ready as I possibly can be. And only you can do that because no one else in this world turns me on like you do. Trust me, you are an integral part of the baby making process. I couldn't do it without you, or these (she kissed Maya's fingers) or this (she leaned in giving her wife a deep sensual kiss). "I know, I know. But my idea will hopefully make it better. I think I can drill out some space in the strap wide enough to hold the syringe. Once we have the stuff, I load it into the strap. We have a very good time and boom - I push the plunger. Voila. Baby making with an orgasm for both of us" she laughed as she demonstrated the moment with her hands at her groin. "Stupida, but I'm game" Carina laughed as she kissed Maya on the cheek walking into the lounge with a glass of wine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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