Chapter 1

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"Please meet Jinyoung, our new student. Welcome to Eagle Lake High."

I remember the teacher introducing me to my new class, moving to the American school. However that's the only thing I remember, because I paid all my attention towards this eye catching boy. His red auburn hair was a good messy, and he wore an oversized black hoodie. His dark eyes locked with mine, and we shared the same emotion of just shocked and lustful staring.

"Please, take your seat now. Pick anywhere you like."

The teacher brought me out of my trance, and made me pick an available desk. I was already excited to see an empty one right behind the guy I just fell for. I remember quickly taking my seat, for I was eager to get to know this boy. And apparently he was too. Because as soon as I sat my behind down on that chair, he turned his face to me a little too fast, talking with me.

"So where are you from?"

I licked my lips to clear the dry feeling, and I took a gulp before answering.

"Um, Korea. I came from South Korea."

"Really?! That's so cool. Well, my name is Mark."

Excitedly and impatiently he put his hand out over his chair, silently asking for mine. I hesitantly took it, giving a firm shake. On the outside I kept a normal, nervous aurora. But on the inside, my heart beat millions of miles a minute.

On that day of my first arrival to American school, and meeting Mark, it changed my life positively forever. Meeting the love of my life. Though I didn't know he really would be in the beginning.

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