Urogi and Karaku find a eagle

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Urogi:*flying Around carrying Karaku*..do you see any humans?

Karaku:Nope!But i got a new idea of how we can attack them!

Urogi:What is it best buddy?

Karaku:When we see humans,you fly above them and then i'll just jump off and hit them with my Uchiwa!!

Urogi:Great Idea!!!

Karaku:Thank you!😁Or we can mess around with them then later kill them!

Urogi:😊Oh Oh!!I see something down there!!

Karaku:Is it a human!!??

Urogi:Uhhh No-It's an animal!

Karaku:Well what animal is it?I can't really see in the dark like you!

Urogi:It's aaaaa.....Bird!!!!Idk if it's dead!!But can we go check up on it!!

Karaku:Ofcourse!I mean thats your kind!

Urogi:*lands next to it*....Bro it's an eagle!

Karaku:It's still alive but whats it doing on the ground?

Urogi:Wait Look!It's wings are bleeding,Poor thing probably got hurt

Karaku:Awh man...Hey we can't just stand here!Let's help him....her? idk how we would check

Urogi:......It's a male

Karaku:How do you know-

Urogi:Im a half eagle so ofc i would know his gender!

Karaku:Eh that makes sense😀

Urogi:Uhh...Im scared that im gonna scratch him so you gently pick him up

Karaku:*picks the eagle up*Is it gonna attack me

Urogi:Don't worry it won't!😊I saw a lake so there might be fish there so i'll be right back!!


Urogi:*flies away*

Karaku:*petting the eagle*Don't worry buddy your gonna be ok!😁Me and Urogi will take care of you!!!Your not gonna die don't worry!!☺

Urogi:I GOT A FISH!!!*Goes to Karaku*Hi there Little eagle!Here have some food!You must be really hungry!*giving the eagle fish*

Eagle:*eating the fish*

Urogi:There There!What an beautiful eagle you are!!Eat as much as you want!

Karaku:Jeez how many fish did you catch?

Urogi:Full pockets!So thats like over 50 little small fish

Karaku:Thats alot!!!

Urogi:10 should be enough food,now we should prob help him heal his wing!

Karaku:Okay soo how are we gonna....

Urogi:I'll try and hold him as gently as possible!!You can maybe put some bandages on his wings or smth.Im suprised  that he somehow managed to hurt his wing!Their usually stronger then airplanes

Karaku:Wow thats cool!!!

Urogi:*holding the eagle*It's Okay buddy,You will be fine!☺

Karaku:Yeah!I actually do have some bandages!


Karaku:*gently putting bandages on the eagle's wing*

Urogi:*Making eagle noises*

Eagle:*looking at urogi*!!

Urogi:Eeey!!He understands me!!

Karaku:Tell him that we are friendly and that we are gonna help him!!

Urogi:Okay!!*talking in eagle language✨*

Karaku:It's working!He calmed down a bit!I noticed that he was shaking

Urogi:Awh poor thing!It's okay

After putting bandages on the eagles wing:

Karaku:Done!!There we go!

Urogi:Oh!!Let's take him home!We can't just leave him here!We can free him when he can fly again!

Karaku:Good idea!!But what about sekido?

Urogi:Eh who cares for him!Im sure he won't mind!


Urogi:Come on now!Get on my back and hold him

Karaku:Okay!!*gets on Urogi's back holding the eagle*

Urogi:So what should we name him?

Karaku:Hmmm Idk..


Karaku:I know it might sound weird but what about Erogi!


Karaku:Yeah!! E for Eagle and rogi for Urogi!

Urogi:!!!Thats a really cute name!!!!💓


Urogi:I love it!!!^^

Karaku:I knew you would!!

Urogi:Let me tell him that his name is Erogi now!!*talking eagle languege*


Urogi:He agrees with it!!!!🥰



Nakime:*teleports Urogi and Karaku back into the infinity castle*

Urogi:THANKS!!*flying to their room but also explaining everything to Erogi*


Urogi:And here we are!!!

Karaku:*gets off Urogi's back*Alright now let's see what the others would say!!

Urogi:Oh i can't wait to see their reaction!*opens the door*Heeeey!!!We're back!!

Aizetsu:...Welcome back i guess.

Urogi:Thank you Ai!!We got a suprise




Zohakuten:......Is that a real eagle?

Urogi:Yep!We found him on the ground,Poor thing hurted his wing so he can't fly rn!!So we are taking him until his wings heal!!!

Aizetsu:...Great...More feathers...

Sekido:.......Im not taking care of it!💢

Urogi:Okay Okay!!*telling Erogi who the others are*

Karaku:We should teach him to understand our language!

Urogi:Good idea!!


Zohakuten:Come to think of it..Sekido where is your chihuahua.

Sekido:I letted it go free somewhere.

Zohakuten:Oh..Okay then

Karaku:*puts Erogi in Urogi's nest*There,You can rest here!!

Urogi:Awh look at him!!He looks so adorable🥺


Aizetsu:...Can i pet him-


Aizetsu:*pets Erogi*....


Urogi:Oh he loves it!!

Sekido:Ofc he does😒Theres not a single animal that hates Aizetsu.

Karaku:😁Aizetsu is like snow white!✨!The one with the animals✨


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