-The past- (part 1)

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My name is y/n Hopper and yes, I'm sister of Vance hopper the jerk that beats the shit out of anyone that crosses his path although he may look mean but he's a really caring brother-

"Hey dipshit time for school don't be late!"

Well sometimes

I got up as I placed my backpack over my shoulder and headed downstairs

"Good morning you stupid brat"he said shoving me playfully

"Yeah yeah cmon Vance I'm not little no more I just turned 14."I said fixing my hair

"Hmm you are correct but does that make you older then me?I don't think so."

"Whatever"i said rolling my eyes at him

"Hey make sure not to skip class I know you dipshit"

"Mhm sure."
I said opening the door

"Hey I love you take care you stupid pathetic brat"

"Yeah see you later."

As I walk down the side walk I saw a boy getting bullied across mid way.

Although I couldn't just stand and do nothing.

"Hey dipshits!"I said throwing a rock at one of them
"Leave him alone!"

"What are you doing out here this early gorgeous?"one of them said looking at me up and down


"And what is a group of assholes like you three doing this nonsense of child's play bullying a innocent boy it's fucking so get lost bullshit ."I said glaring at them

Even though glaring at them may sound stupid their was always something about my glare that made it different from Vance's mine was always colder.

"You stupid bitch cmon on guys let's leave these two weirdos alone."


"Hey umm are you okay?"

"who me?yeah I'm fine thank you"he said standing from the floor

"Are you new here?I've never seen you around."

"Yeah I just moved here I'm y/n hopper."

"Yeah I'm- wait hopper as an Vance? Hopper?"


"I never knew he had a sister and to know that you two don't really look alike."

"Yeah I guess you could say tha-"

"Hey finn."I heard a voice coming from in the back of me

"Hey Bruce."


"How have you been ready for today's baseball game."He said patting him on  the shoulder.Until he then looked at me

"And you are?"

"This is Y/n hopper."Finney said putting his backpack on

"Oh it's nice to meet you I'm Bruce Yamada"he said shaking my hand

It felt strange shaking a boys hand for the first time I was expecting him to pull away quickly
but all he did was smirk at me looking into my eyes.

"Alright I get it lovebirds love in first sight."Finney said rolling his eyes

"Says the one who can't even ask a girl out."

Lovebirds?I felt my heart start racing fast but why?why are my palms sweating?And why was I scared to look at him directly in the eyes?

"Cmon there is no way I'm going to be late for my first day of 8th grade school lets go  y/n."Bruce said placing his hand around my shoulder

"Holy shit." I whispered into thin air as I felt the sensation of my heart beating faster

Is it normal to be feeling this way? I feel my cheeks heating up and my heart beating like crazy and when I looked at his eyes something felt different...why?

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