Chapter 11.The black van

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My heart sunk as soon as I saw them laughing together he seemed to start getting
along with her while I was just left standing their.

"Hey y/n you alright?"Bruce asked grabbing my shoulder

"Yeah..I'm fine."I said trying my best to smile at him until
"I'm sorry"i said as I pushed Bruce and made my way out of the classroom

"Y/n!!"I heard a familiar voice shouting my name out

It was Robin...
I couldn't help but run faster and faster

I started running towards the street until I collapsed to the ground in pain not knowing what to feel

I looked up and saw a black van that had abracadabra written on it.
A man came out of the van dropping his groceries onto the ground

"Oh shit!what a goof"
I stood up from the ground wiping my tears walking towards the van

"Umm do you need any help sir?"I said raising an eyebrow

"May you pass me my hat"he said

I picked up the hat holding it in my hand while the man was picking up his groceries
Until something from the back of the van caught my eye

"Hey umm are those black ballons?"
"Yeah want to see them?"he said smiling at me as he stood up

I heard someone shout my name but didn't really think too much of it.

Robins pov:
As we sat down a few minutes later y/n said that she wanted to go to the restroom so I nodded my head and as soon as she left Angela also stood up and went to the restroom I didn't really think to much of it though.

"Hey robin"Bruce said


"Do you really love y/n?"he said raising an eyebrow

I stopped writing and looked at him and smile.

"Yeah I really do man"

"Please take good care of her man I mean she really is a beautiful girl I mean who wouldn't fall in love with her?"

I smiled at him until I saw Angela coming back before y/n and threw a note on my desk.

"What the- do you know her Robin?"

"Yeah that annoying girl is my ex"I said sighing opening up the piece of paper

"That little bitch"

"What is it?"

After I explained it to him he walked out of the classroom and waited for y/n.

As soon as I saw y/n run out of the classroom with tears in her eyes I knew I screwed up.

I ran after her and ended up losing her not knowing where she could've gone until I found her talking to a man In the black van..

The black van...


I heard someone scream in back of me but the only thing that was calling my attention were the black balloons from the back of the van.

"Get the fuck away from her!"I heard a familiar voice yell

But it was to late the man had gotten his balloons out and had sprayed something in my mouth I screamed because of how painful it was until I then saw Robin punching  him across the face

And after that everything went dark...

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