I got your back

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"Total asshole move." i nudged Gwenny. "Do you believe in Jesus?" she asked me. "I believe in something." i told her. "Like what?" "I don't know." i smiled.

"Is that-?" i paused for a second seeing finney who we had separated from a while ago running down the path we were on. Behind him three boys followed. "Shit." i sighed. "Let's go!" Gwenny yelled at me.

I could see from a bit away finney on the ground and the three of the boys kicking him. Gwenny picked up a rock and i ran after her "Your gonna get yourself killed gwen-"

"This girl." i said out of breath continuing to run after her. "Fucking cocksucking cowards!" she ran at them pushing one off of finney and smashing the rock against the black haired boys head. "Holy shit!" i yelled watching his look up at her terrified blood pouring out of his head. "Fuck you too ugly assface." she said throwing the rock at the ginger one missing. The black haired boy crawled over to the fence taking a deep breath and sitting shaking. She ran towards the ginger but he flipped her over and had her on the ground in seconds. "Shit!" i yelled running over to her. One of their friends pulled on my hair and grabbed my arms. "Fuck you!" i kicked back onto his knee he let out a screech and i kept running.

He kicked her face and she grunted loudly. I ran at him and lunged landing onto top of him and kicking his chest in return i began helping gwen up but before i could continue the two of them grabbed me smacking me onto the concrete. On of them held their foot on my back while the other picked my head up by my hair and pounded my head onto the floor. My head began to ring and i saw red like blood clots fill my eyes. "What the fuck!" i heard a scruffy voice yell and i tried to make out who it was but i couldn't see or hear much of anything. I felt the pressure being lifted off my chest and i crawled towards the fence where finney now sat with gwen holding onto her and rubbing her arm. "Fuck." i cried as i touched my eyes amd felt a warm liquid coat my fingers. "Y/n your bleeding." finney grabbed my face and gently scraped the blood off of me. I could make out images now though i still saw them through blood. A blonde blob in front of me began to punch and kick at the two boys from earlier. I sucked in air through my teeth and felt the thick blood coat my throat every time i took a breath.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You!" i could see. It was Vance on top straddling one of the boys repeatedly punching him the blood splattering into the concrete. The other one lay unconscious on the grass near the sidewalk. "i'll kill you bitch." Vance grunted through his teeth. "Stop please" the boy begged until a final hit rendered him still.

"Shit." i panted and looked at finney. "I'm sorry." i laughed. "Not. your. fault" he struggled in between breaths. "Are you okay?" i looked over at Gwen. "Mhm." she rubbed her jaw and looked at me wide eyed. "So much blood." was all she could manage to stutter out. "Y/n!" Vance ran over to me and sat down next to me. "Hi" i laughed. "Hi." he chuckled and grabbed my face. "They got you good." he clicked his tongue and pressed down softly on my eyes. I whined and he immediately let go. "Are you okay?" he asked me. "Better than ever." i covered my stomach my ribs hurting from laughing. "Let's get you cleaned up." he helped me stand. "Come on." i picked up finney who picked up Gwen.


"Bitch." i smacked his hand away. "Get over it." he said through his teeth and pushed a wet paper towel on my eyes. "I can see!" i jumped up from excitement. "Holy shit i can see." i smiled and ran to the bathroom mirror. "Ew." i looked at my face that was covered in red. I washed my hand watching the blood pour down the drain. "Your bathrooms are disgusting." i finally said looking around. "Why'd you do that." he rubbed his head. "Do what?" "Start a fight."

"I didn't. They were hurting finn what was i supposed to do." i looked at vance. "Just don't. I don't need you getting hurt one of us is bad enough." he sighed. "Look i didn't know they were gonna go that far. Im sorry. Next time though." i held out my pinky. "What is that? What are you doing?" he looked at me up and down. "A pinky promise." "No." he scoffed. I put my pinky up to his face. "Dude just accept it." "Get away from me you freak." he backed up. "Bitch just take it." "What'd you call me?" he took a few steps forward. "i was..." i looked around. "Just kidding." i put my pinky down and leaned against the wall. "Aren't you gonna get in trouble again?" i asked him.

How To Not End Up Dead ~~ A Vance HopperXReader Story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora