Spooktober 1

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A/N Wow, it's been about a year since I updated

Prompt: Mind control

Lasagna nights were Peter's favorite. He somehow convinced Aunt May to let Ned and MJ join in their little lasagna heaven. The three of them had gotten quite close after MJ figured out Peter was Spiderman.

The trio was lounging around on the couch, half watching TV and half talking about random things. All their plates were full of red sauce, cheese, and huge pieces of the best lasagna in the world.

Suddenly, Peter felt very, very, very dizzy. So dizzy that the delicious plate of lasagna slipped out of his hands and fell to the floor with a dull thud (thankfully, Aunt May was smart enough to use paper plates).

Peter stood up abruptly, with a glazed look in his eye.

"Peter? What happened?" MJ's voice sounded muffled in Peter's head.

He didn't respond but stayed in place, his arms unnaturally stiff against his sides.

"I heard a noise. Is everything ok?" May appeared at the living room door with a concerned look on her face.

"Peter?" This time it was Ned who voiced his concerns about Peter's strange behavior.

Peter's eye twitched slightly, and he spoke in a voice that wasn't his.

"Ready to comply"

A/N Yeah, we're gonna just leave that one there. Not super proud of it, but I feel like the idea is pretty interesting. To be fair, I haven't written in forever. I do wanna try to write more often, and Spooktober seems like the perfect way to do that.


(Thank you  for the spooktober challenge!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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