Bubbles: I have an outfit! I have an outfit!

Butch: Hahahahahah!


Me: Oh Hell Yes.

BC: pink?! Like pink-pink?

Me: As pink as it gets.

BC: Bleh!!

Me: Bubbles, Take BC to get her new outfit.

Bubbles: Okie dokie! *grabs Buttercups arm and drags her away*

Me: We'll give it a few minutes. In the meantime, Blossom! Your turn! Kiss, Mary, Kill!

Blossom: Who are my options?

Me: We'll play a couple rounds while we wait. Start with the Rowdies.

Blossom: •///• WHAT?!

Me: Kiss. Mary. Kill.

Blossom: Do I have to do this infront of them?

Me: Yeah. Go.

Blossom: Unmm... well... •///•

Boomer: Kill me. Do it. Kill me.

Me: Bonner... do I need to put you in therapy? •_•

Boomer: Probably.

Blossom: Mary Brick... Kiss Boomer, Kill Butch. Nothing against you, Butch. Just... you're... you.

Butch: I can respect that. U_U

Brick: Oh? So you wanna marry me?

Blossom: Ughhhh! Dawn! Next!

Me: Mike, Mitch, and Dexter

Blossom: Kill Mitch.

Boomer: Wow— no hesitation?

Blossom: Then Mike would be framed for the murder. And if I were to marry Mike he couldn't say anything court to incriminate me. So then I'd kiss Dexter after Mike gets thrown in jail as a reason to divorce Mike.

Butch: Why the fuck do I feel like you've long thought about that?

Brick: What the fuck.

Me: Uhhh... I think I need to put you in therapy.

Butch: Can we all go to therapy?

Me: why do you need therapy?

Brick: He's got an unhealthy obsession with Buttercup.

Me: Fair enough.

Blossom: More than just unhealthy! It's out-right deadly! It's like a disease taking over you!

Butch: A disease I do not mind having. ^U^

Blossom: That proves my point.

Bubbles: *standing in hallway* What point?

Me: Is she dressed?

BC: *hiding behind wall* I look like a Princess ballerina of the land of gumdrops and bubblegum had a child with the Easter bunnies great aunt the sugar plum fairy.

Boomer: That is a very weird description.

Bubbles: Oh you so do not!

BC: Oh yes I so do!

Me: Come on out, BC. Let us see ya.

Blossom: *pulls out phone* *whispers* This is so totally going in the memory book.

Truth or Dare? Book 2Where stories live. Discover now