"Coffee?" Bloom asks, lifting up a bag of smooth coffee. Annabelle shoots up, basically falling over the table and grabbing the bag, reading the info. She gasps in, touching her hand to her chest and turning to Flora, she looks a little confused and even more confused when Anna hugs her extremely tight. 

"Smalls loves coffee, she can't live without it." Musa explains, Flora nods in response, chuckling. Anna steps away, muttering an apology and opening the packet to breathe in the lovely smell. It was true, Annabelle lived off coffee, it's how she functioned now Rosalind was headmistress with her extreme training. 

"All my people are in one place. Can't believe how lucky I am." Terra gushes, sighing a little as she looks down at her friends. 

"Well, lucky is one word for our situation." Musa mutters, setting a plant back into its box. Terra's smile falters and Anna bows her head, setting the coffee packet down. 

"We have a new and questionable headmistress." Bloom explains, smacking her lips together lightly.

"And a curfew because of the missing twins." Aisha adds. 

"And extreme training for the Specialists." Annabelle rolls her eyes, sitting back down beside Musa. "I'm actually, like, close to collapsing out of tiredness."

"Is that why you've been sleeping in till, like, nine?" Terra asks, frowning slightly. Anna nods her head, pressing her lips into a thin line. 

"The water pressure in the shower is not great." Musa tuts a little, "Also, Anna likes to have suspiciously long showers, the other weak, she spent almost an hour in there." Annabelle's cheeks flush a bright red shade and she shrinks down a little.

"I hate you so much." Anna shoves Musa, making her laugh. 

"Right, and Devin." Terra adds, dropping the mood slightly. 

"Terra told me what happened." Flora nods her head, glancing back at Annabelle. 

"That we have no idea what happened." The blonde fairy shakes her head, fiddling with a plant leaf. 

"Not totally true." Bloom interrupts smiling, glancing at Terra but the Earth Fairy just gives her a look, the red head's smile faltering and it falls. "The last thing he said before he passed out was, Rosalind. But the bite marks are a mystery and he's been unconscious ever since."

"Have any of you seen him?" The darkly haired Earth Fairy asks, looking between the other fairies. 

"Just one of us." Musa sighs a little, jutting her chin towards Stella's room. Anna slaps her knees, getting up from her seat. 

"Right, I have to change because Andreas wants me to do half an hour of training before we head out for the ManHunt project as Dane's been calling it." The Dark Fairy rolls her eyes, stepping over a few boxes and disappearing into her room. Flora frowns a little, tilting her head to the side. 

"So is she a Fairy or a Specialist?" The curly haired girl asks. 

"Both." Terra answers, glancing at Anna's room. Flora's confused. 

"I thought you could be either or, not both." 

"Anna has special permission from our old headmistress but it's mainly because she can't overuse her magic or she'll go dark, become corrupt by her magic but also that her father was a Specialist and she's been training since she could walk." Aisha explains, taking Annabelle's seat beside Musa. "She also grew up here."

"Oh, so she's the Dark One everyone's talking about?" The other fairies nod their heads. Flora purses her lips a little, she knows Anna from somewhere but she can't quite put her finger on it. 

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