Becoming an assassin wasn't just a job, it was a lifestyle. A lifestyle that consisted of doing the job with no emotional or physical connections happening at all. I was going to be moving around the world 24/7, having to do anything and or everything I can to make sure my mission is completed, and at the end of it all I'd just end up living lavishly without any personal bloodshed or broken hearts along the way. That was the only way I'd make it in this life and make my ancestors proud of me becoming one of the best like them.

"Do you know why my dad called us in here?" Liam asks as I shook my head.

During weapons training, me and Liam were called into the headmasters office for some kind of secret meeting he was having which involved the two of us.

Me and Liam may be friends, but his father was a man that both of us had no will of trusting or liking at all. I was suspicious of him always watching us and Liam just plain out hated him more than anyone else in the world. Dysfunctional family problems at its best.

"Ah! There they are, the main topic of the hour" Liam's father announces as soon as we were brought through the large doors of his office.

"Jezzabelle Jackson and Liam Keating" An elderly man sitting in front of Liam's dad says standing up to greet us.

Liam and I, being the cautious people we were, avoided the strangers outstretched hand before nodding at him and sitting down on the opposite side of where he was sitting.

"Jezzabelle, Liam, this man here who has come to see you two today is Mister Angelo" Headmaster Keating started off as Liam turned to me with a knowing look.

I may not be smart at remembering every name Liam has blabbered onto me about, but the Angelo family name was something Liam expressed to many times for me to forget. Liam was a childish guy at time but when it came to talking about something as exciting as the man in front of us was, he was like a kid in a candy store.

He was excited more than ever to finally get to meet the mysterious Angelo family that always came to this place to hire only the best new assassin they could find. And whoever got to work for the Angelo family usually ended up being the best assassin in the world. Which wasn't a complete shock to me seeing as the Angelo family was always searching for anyone of Jackson bloodline when it came to hiring a skilled assassin in this place.

"You guys know I don't usually have the people training here set up on a mission before they are fully trained which mostly takes up a year for being skilled enough to leave this place, but as Mister Angelo and I have been talking about earlier, we have decided to choose the best person for the job he's looking to get done. And we both decided it was best if you are the person to get this job done" Headmaster Keating reveals as all eyes turned to me.

"Wait, what?"

I ask in shock and confusion since I'm pretty sure there were hundreds of other people in this place that were better fit for an early assassin mission more than I was.

"It is no secret that you're of Jackson bloodline. Even with the fast rate of how quickly you're acing all of your training classes, I strongly believe you are the person I am looking forward to getting this job done smoothly and efficiently" Mister Angelo adds on with a smile towards me.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Lorenzo reminded me many times that the length of my training was going to be based off of how fast of a learner I was, and I thought for certain that I was going to be here for at least a year or little over that. But seeing as I was now being assigned my first mission after 6 months of training.

"Not to be a buzzkill or anything but if she's being asked to go on this mission for Mister Angelo than what am I doing here?" Liam piped up beside me.

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