Chapter Seven: The Bathtub

Start from the beginning

"Mike!" They yell.

"One second!" he yells back.

"Mike!" They yell even louder making him stop.

"We need to leave," Dustin pants, "right now."

"Mike, we gotta go," Gabby pants. Dustin runs off and Gabby quickly follows after.

"Michael!" Gabby hears Mrs. Wheeler yell.

Mike stops. "If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country."


Gabby runs to the basement and grabs El frantically before saying, "We gotta go, we gotta go, come on, hurry!"

Mike, Dustin, El, and Gabby rushed out the basement door, El close behind.

The boys wheel them out to the road, still running. Gabby and El clamber onto the back of the boy's bikes, and the four of them look back. A bunch of men in suits was walking toward them. Gabby's grip on Dustin's waist tightens when she sees one in particular.

"Papa," Gabby says looking at the man.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin yells as they pedal as fast as they can away from the bad men.

As they're biking Dustin says loudly, "Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God."

Gabby hears Dustin say into his headset, "Yeah, Lucas, they're on us."

"Cornwallis!" Dustin replies.

"Copy, Elm and Cherry," Dustin says. Mike looks quickly back at Dustin.

"Okay," Mike says and starts pedaling even faster. Suddenly, the vans appear on the street, closing in on them.

"Shit!" Dustin yells.

"Shit, shit! Oh, my God!" Gabby yells

"This way, come on!" Mike shouts as they bike through a part of the woods through some girls playing.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" Dustin yells at them. They bike out of the woods onto Elm and Cherry. Lucas pulls up from behind them.

"Lucas!" Gabby cries out.

"Where are they?" Lucas asks.

"I don't know," Mike stammers.

"They're close," Gabby says panicky.

"I think we lost them," Dustin says hopefully as if on cue, the vans turn onto the street.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Mike yells.

The boys are yelling and swearing as the vans pick up speed. Two van turns down the street driving straight toward them Gabby looks towards El giving her a nod.

El and Gabby glare hard at the vans driving towards them. Both of them flip over in the air, flying over their heads and crashing in front of the vans behind them, forcing them to stop.

Blood dribbles from their noses and the boys look back in shock. Gabby smiles back weakly.

They continue biking. Finally, the boys, El and Gabby end up at the junkyard Gabby stumbled off of Dustin's bike, holding onto Dustin, she looks over to El who was swaying as well.

I Think We're Alone Now • Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now