𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 3; Daddy iSsUeS😁

Start from the beginning

The sound of the knights marching could be heard getting closer and closer, their screams and stomps were echoing throughout the forest.

"They aren't here!" One knight yells.

"Just keep searching!"

"Shit." Sora noticed that the knights were searching over in their area, and Arien's complexion didn't seem like she could run any longer. "Arien, Arjen climb!" Sora lifted Arien and Arjen up with some wind mana onto the branch above them, but Arien was getting really tired and her body was giving up.

Then, unable to keep her body standing, Arien collapsed.

"Arien!" Arjen exclaimed, his sister suddenly passing out made him scream in panic, out loud. He pulled the unconscious Arien closer to his body, but this caused the knights to notice where they were.

"Who's there!?" A knight marched over to where the siblings were hiding, looked around the area but saw no one.

"Arien..!" Arjen shook his unconscious sister in panic, but she didn't respond.

Sora noticed that Arien had passed out and used more of her mana to help Arjen pick up Arien, pushing them onto the branch with all the energy she had. Arjen could also feel his body weakening, but he didn't want to fall. But, his body said no, and he passed out, leaving Sora to get them past the knights.

Sora knew that her siblings couldn't help it, but she was kinda pissed off that they left her to do all the work, again.

Sora did her best to get onto the branch without dropping either sibling, but... "Fuck!" She accidentally missed her step and fell off the branch.

But in a second, quickly used more wind mana to land safely, not letting Arien or Arjen hit the floor. Sora winced, knowing that her landing made a thud loud enough for the knights to hear.

Expected, Sora was greeted with multiple knights, staring at her. The knights pointed their swords at the sudden movement made by something, but when they noticed the golden hair attached to the three kids that were there. They knew that they were the people who they were looking for.

"Your royal highness-!" One knight tried to approach the siblings, and was going to pick up the three blondes. But Sora acted as if they were going to attack, and on reflex, attacked back.

Sora, without hesitation, pulled out multiple thin, metal needles at all approaching knights. And any of them that were in her range got pierced, the needles even pierced through the armor.

"Tsk." Sora noticed that there were too many people surrounding her, and she only handed a minimal amount of needles that she had on her. It was definitely not enough to take down all of the knights. So, she had to get physical. There were also two, unconscious siblings that she had to protect, and it was going to be a challenge to fight while protecting her siblings from any harm.

But as soon as Sora was in thought, one of the knights rushed to her without thinking with his sword aiming for her neck. Sora didn't flinch at this action, but attacked back, clicking her fingers as soon as the blade reached her skin.


"AGH!" The knight that was going to attack, was now on his knees, clutching his chest.

His eyes soon bled out, blood trickling down his cheeks. His body turned pale white, but some parts of his skin -mainly his face- began to crumble. And soon, was completely paralyzed, laying there lifeless on the ground.

'Damn it! that Strychnine was my last one! And I wasted it on a pig!?'

While Sora was frustrated that she just waisted her only Strychnine on a useless pig, all the knights who saw this backed up from her and pointed their swords at.

𝐏𝐎𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒║The Twin Siblings New Life x ocWhere stories live. Discover now