"I'd never do that."

"I believe you."

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore," I moved from her hand and kissed her shoulder. She wiggled back into me.

"I don't deserve what you wanna give me."

"My therapist working?"

She nodded her head as I caressed her skin. I ran my hands over her entire body, made sure to take time, refused to rush.

"I'm learning a lot about myself."

"She'll give you a reality check," I mumbled, continued giving her kisses.

Without words, we folded into one another. She raised up on her knees a little and I hovered over her, my fingers strumming her swollen clit like a guitar.

"I can't help how much I love you," I whispered. The liquor had me ready to confess, ready call off this whole thing and take my woman back.

She stopped me. She laid her body back down and removed my hand, still looking into my eyes.

"This is scaring me."

"Me too."

I rolled over beside her, stared at the ceiling as I stripped from my clothing. I opened my arms for her and she came to me, cuddling so close until we were mashed together. She belonged right here, close to my heart, forever.

"In a way, you've turned into Eric," I told her.

I'd thought about it, and it was the truth. He had done a nasty number on her and she jumped to me without trying to heal. I made the mistake of thinking that I alone could heal her from all the trauma he had put her through. And in turn, she had become him.

"I'm trying to fix it."

I rubbed her back, "Just making an observation."

"I'm sorry for being selfish. I just didn't want you to leave me and I hoped I could control that feeling you had for a little while longer until I got all my ducks in a row."

"That's your problem. You can't control everything, you definitely can't control people. You hated it when Eric tried to control you and look what you're doing."

"Your therapist told me it's a defense mechanism."

"Call her Ms. Nash."


"What are you defending yourself from? I've only ever been good to you. I've accepted everything that came with you. All the tears, mood swings, and everything in between. I took it all because I knew who I got with when I got with you. But damn. Sometimes I think I should've waited on you. Then we really wouldn't be here."

With her bare skin against mine, I felt as if I could tell her everything, and she would listen. I'd always been real with her, but here, like this, we couldn't hide from one another. I was tired of hiding, tired of fighting. I just wanted to live in bliss. Hopefully with Onika.

"We wouldn't have Cetiri."

"I wouldn't have missed ten years of my life."

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