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Chapter Six: Forbidden

Houston, Texas
May 10
Onika Tanya Maraj

"Pissing me the fuck off," I fell back into my desk chair as Noir shut the door, "It's been a week since we started arguing and every day has been the same shit. One minute she wants to argue and the next she wants to be all cuddled up. It's not fair nor is it cute."

Noir sat on my couch and kicked her feet up. She had lost her goddamn mind. When she saw the look on my face, she took them down.

"I just think her transition is hard. She was in there for ten years. You don't really know what that's like. Especially if she was fighting and ended up in solitary confinement, seg, iso, whatever the hell they call it."

"I've tried to make this as easy as possible for her. The way she talks to me and about me, you'd think I left her for dead."

"To you?"

I sighed, "I mean you know she's always been blunt, but it's like now she's hurting my feelings. She's overthinking and not only does that hurt her, but it hurts us as a whole."

"Did you tell her?"

"Doesn't matter. She'll say I'm disregarding her feelings when I'm just trying to explain mine."

"This doesn't sound like my conversation to be had."

"Noir... please don't make me feel crazy for this. I'd talk to her but you know how that's gonna end. Can't talk to Ebony and Nadine anymore 'cause they just run back to her."

"Well they're her best friends and she's out now."

"Exactly, that's why I'm talking to you."

"You want my full and honest opinion?" She asked and got comfortable on the couch.

I shifted, wondered if I actually wanted that, or if I just needed to vent.

Beyoncé was absolutely killing me. She was so flip-floppy. One night we were arguing until the sun came up, shouting at each other and the next night we were apologizing and cuddling, wanting to be so close that I was in her skin. When nights were good, they were good, but when nights got bad, I was afraid that she'd turn into someone I didn't want to see.

I was used to the sweeter parts of Beyoncé. Was used to flowers and kisses and affirmation. Now it was just screaming and yelling and faking for the kids. I wanted my Beyoncé back. Wanted to go home and feel the love the way I used to.

It seemed like it all had changed. Nothing was the same. Not even the sex. I remembered our first time like it was yesterday, would always remember it. She made me feel so beautiful. She took her time with me, didn't rush to get inside me. She made love to me that night, I was sure of it, and made me feel it the next morning.

Now she either won't touch me or she was leaving marks on me like she'd been wanting to hurt me outside of the bedroom. Probably did.

I told Noir, "Yeah, go ahead."

"You should be honest, save your relationship before you've wasted ten years of your life. You guys don't have a bad relationship, it's beautiful really. I don't know if I'd be able to do what you guys have been strong enough to do. Don't waste that."

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