Bankotsu x Reader

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Note: Taken from my deviantART. Written in 2014


There was a slight breeze in the clearing blowing a few petals from the wild flowers. A girl with [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes sat plucking more petals from a yellow one. Yellow disgusted her so she passed her time plucking all of them considering there was nothing else to do. Yet did she know she was being watched by a stranger. The stranger had black hair tied in a long braid and blue eyes. He pondered the girl and wondered why she wasn't in her village. The answer to that is she found it bored. What use was there to this life if all it meant was working and the fear of the village being attacked by bandits or demons.

Bankotsu kept his eye on the girl. He was deciding against saying hello. If he had his Banryu he'd probably have slayed her in an instant. Instead of killing her he just watched. She sighed and Bankotsu followed. Instead of taking no action he took a step forward. At the sound of crunching grass the girl looked up at the stranger. Suspicious, she stood in case she needed to make a run for it.

"It's alright," the man assured. She noticed by his clothes he was not a villager. He had armor which meant he was some sort of warrior. Knowing not to trust any one she stood her ground. In this age it was not wise to speak to a stranger who came out of the woods. "I'm Bankotsu," he introduced.

"I'm [y/n]," she said to be polite. The man, Bankotsu, smiled. He was growing impatient with this meager conversation. It wasn't going anywhere. She was just a woman, what was stopping him from draining the life from her? Was it those [e/c] eyes sparkling in the sun? Was it the way her [h/c] swayed in the breeze? No, she was like any other human. "What are you staring at? If you're done I'll be going," she began to walk away.

"Wait," Bankotsu called. "Would you like to come with me. Away from whatever village you live in?" [y/n] pondered. She wanted nothing more than to get out of that boring place.

"What's the catch?" she asked.

"No catch," he smirked. Bankotsu held out his hand. The woman hesitated at first and then grabbed his hand. "Good choice," he said. Before she had a chance to regret her decision they were headed in the opposite direction of the village. Who cared about them anyways? Her parents died a long time ago.


Bankotsu sat with one hand on his head and other holding paintbrush. [y/n] watched as he once again tried to write a letter.

"No no no," he balled it up and through it along with the other scraps he had tossed. She had been with him only a couple days and he was beginning to grow on her. The thing though is he was once a mercenary who was brought back to destroy the enemies of one named Naraku.

[y/n] sat beside him and looked at the castle in the distance. He had yet to tell her what they were doing here and she was afraid to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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