Once you made it back upstairs, you was now looking for somewhere to his from the robbers. After looking around the hallway hastily, you decided to go in the trios room and hide in their closet, so that's exactly what you did, and for extra protection, you threw some clothes over yourself and grabbed some clothes hangers. While hiding, you heard the man with the deep British accent sternly say, "We got to get that girl!" Making you flinch. About two minutes after he said this, you heard footsteps coming upstairs, causing you to question your plan, but you soon thought that it'd work, making you calm down. A minute later, you heard the bedroom door open and the big light turn on, causing you to tense up and clutch the clothes hangers tighter. "Alright young girl, please come out, we're not trying to hurt you," the male with the deep British accent stated, sounding very genuine but you still didn't trust him. You then heard another guy scoff and say, "A-Alright g-girl, w-we k-know y-you're i-in h-here, c-come o-out o-of y-your h-hiding p-place, o-or e-else," almost threateningly, but you still didn't respond. After this, you saw the closet door handle opening, causing you to smirk, because you knew what you was about to do. Once it fully opened, you saw a beige male and a dark blue skinned male, but you didn't analyze them for too long. "Surprise clothes attack!" You yelled, while now standing up in the closet, causing the blue haired to say, "Wh-" but he didn't get a chance to finish, because you threw the clothes and clothes hangers in both of their faces, causing them to become distracted. While they were distracted, you ran out of the trios room and ran towards the stairs. Once you went down one step, a hand grabbed your arm tightly, making you unable to move. The hand then pulled you backward, making you try to get away from its grasp, its grip got tighter, to the point that it started to mildly hurt. When it pulled you all the way back up the stairs, you looked back to see who was pulling you and turns out it was the beige man, and you saw that he was extremely tall, had white hair that almost covered his eyes, wore a long sleeved shirt that had a multicolored checkered pattern, accompanied with black pants, and odd-looking shoes. You also saw the dark blue skinned male, and you now saw that he was shorter than the beige male, and he had midnight blue hair that curled upward on the right hand side, wore a black buttoned up trench coat with a big yellow bow tie with red stripes on the ends of it, accompanied with black dress pants and red sneakers, and he also had cherry red clock hands for a nose, making him resemble that clock that was hanging up in the living room, and he was standing right next to the beige male. They were both smiling evilly at you. While they were doing this, you quickly punched the beige man's arm really hard, making him let go of your arm, causing you to smile, but all of a sudden, he screamed, "D-don't t-touch m-m-meee!" And shot out...extra arms? Making you and the other guy scream in shock, and you run down the stairs.

When you made it downstairs, you decided to at least arm yourself, just in case there might be some more weird people that want to kill or rob you, so you slowly walked into the kitchen to grab a knife from the knife block. Oh yeah, speaking of weird people, you saw the cabinet door open, causing you to look up at it, and you saw a girl that had lime green skin, short green afro hair underneath her gray tin hat, wore a blue shirt with white stripes on it, accompanied with blue jean shorts. "Hi," she smiled through her bucked teeth, holding her legs to her chest. "U-Uh, hi," you slowly said, looking at the girl carefully to see if she'd try to do something to you, but all she did was stare at you still with a small smile on her face. 'Creepy,' you thought, but you soon shrugged it off thinking, Eh, as long as she's not doing anything to me, it's cool.' So you continued walking over to the knives, but once you got close to the knife block, it felt like someone was behind you, so you turned around to see if your hunch was right, and unfortunately, it was. It was a very tall male that had crimson curly hair under his white chef hat, wore a gray T-shirt underneath his white apron, accompanied with black jeans and cartoony red shoes, and you saw that he was smiling down at you creepily, making you tremble in fear. "Hello," he uttered out creepily, still with a creepy grin on his face, causing you to shakily say 'hello' back. You than began to walk over to the knife box this time more shakily and now looking at him, causing him to slowly approach you. "Watcha doing?" He calmly asked, sending chills down your spine. Before you could reply, you bumped into something, and you was guessing that something was the counter that had the knife block, so you put your right hand behind your back and felt around to see if you could feel the end of a knife. "You know it's rude to not answer when someone asks you a question," he morbidly stated, bending down to your height. "O-Oh, w-well I w-was j-just u-uh," you stuttered out, making him raise a brow. After you did this, you found a knife end, making you smile, pull out the knife, and hold it as close to him as possible. "Aha!" You exclaimed, trying to scare him, but all he did was stop smiling and bent back up to his normal height. About thirty seconds later, he started to darkly laugh, causing you to raise a brow and lower the knife. Once he stopped laughing, he pointed at the knife and smirked, "What're you gonna do with that?" Making you look down at the knife and back up at him. "You're gonna hurt me or something?" He sillily asked, causing you to get a little annoyed. "Oh no, I'm so scared," he mockingly said, putting his hands up in a 'fearful' way before laughing again. Since you hated getting laughed at, this caused your blood to boil, making you swing the knife to the bottom of his stomach (since he was taller than you, you couldn't swing to his chest), causing him to instantly stop laughing and look down at his stomach with wide eyes, and you did the same. All you did was leave a medium sized cut, but still it was a cut. Once you was done looking at it, you looked back up at him and saw that he was extremely livid, causing you to start trembling again. "Alright, so you wanna play that game?" He asked in a more darker tone of voice than before. After he said this, he yanked the knife out of your hand swiftly, and held it up, preparing to strike you with it, and for some odd reason, the girl in the cabinets smile grew, while you just put your hands up defensively and shut your eyes, hoping that this would be quick. He was about to strike you, when an masculine voice yelled, David! From behind, causing you and him to look back at where the voice came from. He was s beige guy that was a little bit shorter than the maroon guy, he had white hair underneath his chefs hat, wore a tan T-shirt underneath his white apron that had magnetic letters scattered on it, he also had some on his face, he also wore tan pants and black dress shoes. Once the maroon guy saw him, he rolled his eyes and scoffed, while the lime green girl closed the cabinet door. After this, the beige guy walked over towards him and started scolding him about not killing the student before the lesson, whatever that meant. While he was doing this, you found this as the perfect opportunity to escape, so you crawled under their legs and ran out of the kitchen.

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