Evie Kidnapped

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I continue to fight the bad guys as I have Alex near the bookcase, ensuring he is safe away from these people, "Whoa, Mom! Where did you learn to do that?" Alex asked Evie, I am trying to pinpoint how my sister did all that, but it seems I am also skilled in combat. How is that possible, "I have no idea." Evie answers as I shake my head at her about her combat skills. I then do a roundhouse kick to one of the red guys as Evie is forced to a wall to kick the guy in the crouch from getting too close to her for me to smile a little on that, "That I learned from your father." Evie says as I jump on the table to jump on the back of a bad guy as I am pushed backwards into the wall, which has me groan as I then flip over him as I head butt the guy in the head, and then I look over to Ardeth who breaks the arm of the one he is fighting when I land on my feet, "Not bad for a Medjai." I heard Lock-Nah, who was looking at Ardeth and then Lock-Na turned to look over at me as I narrowed my eyes at him on him looking at me. As he had a plan in his head with me involved, which has me go to fight another one of these red people. Another one of the red men grabs the chest that Alex was holding as they fight over it, "Let go!" I heard him yell as I grabbed a spear as Alex was thrown off, and then I threw the spear to pierce the guy in the middle who would hurt my nephew. He is my pride and joy, and I love him like my own; I run up to grab the spear from the man. I look back over to Ardeth when Lock-Nah throws off his cloak for me to twirl my spear around in my hand as I feel like this is a fun night to come back to my little family and reunite with people, "What's in the chest?" Ardeth yells for me to push Alex over near the bookcase again so he is safe yet again; he is so much like Evie and Rick; he always wants to be in action; Alex looks at me with a bit glare. Still, I brush it off because he will forgive me later for his safety, "It's the bracelet of Anubis!" I yell back as I notice something on my nephew's arm for me to stop my movements. I approach him as I go pale, touching the front of it and keeping it hidden from view; I look at Alex, who smiles a sorry smile which makes me sigh he is going to make me have heart problems. Ardeth then fights Lock-Na as my man is getting punched over and over again, which has my winch on the impact; Ardeth hits Lock-Na, who touches his nose from the punch seeing blood, which pissed him off, and then Lock-Na kicks Ardeth for Alex to grab my hand to stop me by running out to Ardeth to help him.

Evie and Ardeth are fighting the bad guys. As I held my nephew back from intervening, I had my spear tightly in my hold, "They must not get the bracelet. Get it and get out of here!" Ardeth tells us that one of the red-dressed men is trying to get his sword out of the stuck bookcase, which has me look with Alex as we nod to each other and push the bookcase over to crush the man as he screams. Evie went to get the chest as another man ran out for me to look that way, "Mom, look out!" Alex yells as I watch in horror when she is punched once in the face, which has her knocked out onto the ground, which has me going wide-eyed at my sister being hurt, "Evie!" I call as I then use the spear as a take-off point to kick the man hurting my sister. I then look in shock when Ardeth is slashed for him to fall to the ground, which has me to gulp in as Evie is lifted by one of the red-dressed men to be taken away, which has me try and go after them. Still, Lock-Na blocked my way, which made me look at him as I watched in horror when my sister was kidnapped, "Mom!" Alex yells as I grab him around the middle preventing him from running after them as I watch them take her away with anger in my eyes, Evie!" I screamed while Lock-Na was going to slash me, which made me pale while dodging out of the way from the blade with my nephew, not wishing to have him harmed. 

Lock-Na then backhands me out of the way for me to land on the floor in a heap for me to groan on the impact; I then back away as Lock-Na throws his dagger where Ardeth is leaning for me to gulp in as Lock-Na looks back down with a little smirk on me as I have fear in my eyes, "I'll come back for you" he tells me as I shake on his words not wishing for him to come back for me. Lock-Na then swishes his cloak on to leave us there. Once they are gone, I get up quickly, rushing over to Ardeth for him to make sure he is okay and not hurt badly. I breathe with fear in my eyes as Ardeth reaches up to touch my cheek softly, where I have a hand mark from Lock-Na as he strokes it gently for me to winch in pain. I breathe in as I don't wish to leave him ever again. We run out of the house to see the cars driving away with Evie in the back for us to meet near the stature and run up to Jonathan and Rick, "Dad! Dad!" Alex calls as he hugs his father, who is relieved that he is okay while lifting him, "Are you all right?" Rick asks as I stand next to Ardeth, who I am relieved to have here at the moment, "Yeah." Alex answers as Rick touches his son's cheek with relief in his eyes. Jonathan looks at me as I give him a smile, which he matches. Rick then turned to look at Ardeth, who bowed his head in greeting, "O'Connell." Ardeth greets as I look at him and then back at Rick, who is angry, who grabs Ardeth by his collar, forcing him to the stature as I lick my lips on that, "What the hell are you doing here? Scratch that. I don't care. Who are those guys, and where are they taking my wife?"

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