"Whatever, let's go. They've all fucked off anyway." He muttered as he lead her inside, Olivia following as she tried not to get caught by the people surrounding them.

It was extremely crowded, the dark venue and flashing lights not making it any easier for her to stay close to Alex, as she tried her best to follow him. Alex seemed to already know where they were sat, she assumed that he had entered with them before leaving for a smoke, so he navigated his way through the crowd easily and effortlessly.

"Slow down." Olivia shouted over his shoulder as she struggled to keep up whilst trying not to bump into the dancing crowd they were walking through.

"Or you should just hurry up." He shouted back though, as he glanced over his shoulder at her, he saw that she was getting knocked into. He rolled his eyes before pushing her infront of him, guiding her by wrapping his hand around her waist. "Just can't make anything simple, can ya?" He muttered, though, Olivia still heard him due to the fact they were now side by side and she laughed at how annoyed he was.

"You're so dramatic." She said to him and he just shook his head at her in response - though she swore she saw a slight smirk on his face.

The band, as well as Katie and Breana, were all the way in the far corner where it was quieter and the could actually talk instead of having to shout over the obnoxious dance music. She was immediately greeted with hugs and 'hello's. Katie and Breana quickly made her sit next to them as they began to talk about how great Olivia looked.

Alex had already left.

Olivia assumed that he had either left or went back outside for a another cigarette - she was surprised when he returned, placing a drink in front of her without a word. She wasn't sure how he even knew what she wanted but as she took a sip she was greeted by the usual vodka coke that she always ordered - it had become her go-to order since she was 16 and sneaking alcohol from her parents.

She tried to thank him but he didn't even look at her as he sat down in the seat furthest away from her, next to Jamie.

Katie then began to talk about what tv shows they were all watching at the moment and Olivia looked away from Alex as she began to say she didn't really watch T.V - she had always been way more into movies. Katie and Breana looked shocked and Olivia laughed as she began to explain. "I'll watch tv when I visit my parents but I'd much rather sit and watch a movie, TV shows just feel like they last forever and get worse with time."

"Fair enough, but I'll always have a guilty pleasure for reality tv." Katie said causing Olivia to laughed.

They eventually went on to cover their jobs, hobbies and fashion trend that they hated (with a strong disliking towards UGG boots which seemed the be the current craze).

They were now on the topic of relationships. Katie and Breana talked about their few past relationships as well as their current ones with Matt and Jamie and then it was Olivia's turn. "I guess I've never really been in a relationship before."

"What! You've got to be joking!" Katie squealed a hand coming to clasp over her mouth as Breana looked at her with a similar shocked face.

Katie's outburst seemed to attract the attention of the rest of the group as Matt asked, "What's so shocking that you had to scream?"

"Nothing just girl talk." Breana told him.

"Oh come on! You've got to tell us now." He said with pleading eyes.

Breana looked at Olivia for permission and Olivia just shrugged her shoulders - it wasn't a secret and she didn't know why it was such shocking news. She wasn't bothered by any of the others knowing so she silently gave Breana permission. "Olivia has never had a boyfriend before!" She said to him, like it was scandalous.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now