Dead man

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Percy's pov.

I lunged forward and Steve tackled me, Thor grabbed Loki and Locke his hands behind me

"Your dead!" I screamed at Loki and punched Steve in the gut, I swing riptide at Loki and cut him in the leg before tony and Steve grabbed my arms

Steve grabbed my sword hand and grabbed my hair tony held my torso an other arm and I was dragged to my knees

"Drop it" Steve growled and I stared at Loki , "drop it" Steve said again an suddenly I turned on him

I pulled my sword up and slammed the flat into his head, he crumbled to the floor a d I twisted Around and threw tony off me

I was about to charge at Loki but I heard someone

Someone I've missed
Someone i died for

"Percy!" annabeth screamed and covered her mouth, I stared t her and she stared at me in horror

I dropped riptide and stared at Loki
He was on the floor with their next to him , he was bleeding and his face was twisted in pain

I stumbled away and turned away from all of them
"P-percy?" annabeth said an I fell down in front of percie

They all froze and stared at me and her, they looked horrified
I put my hands on the floor and put my head down on her small chest

A loud sob escaped and the team saw why

"You did this" I said to Loki
"She was just a girl! you never should have done this!" I screamed

Bruce pulled me up and looked down at her his skin turned green and he breathed slowly

"Take mine... please... I can't cheat death... j-just bring her back" I cried and looked over my shoulder

Annabeth recovered from her shock and threw herself at me
She threw her arms around we torso and hugged me

I out my nose into her hair an cried
"My baby girl... she's..." i cried harder and hugged annabeth
"Gone" annabeth finished and rubbed my back

Suddenly my dad was towering over Loki "odinson, you have killed many people, but this....
I will see that you have your powers stripped from you and you are never to return to Midgard again" my dad declared (poor loki, he just wanted to help percie)

I held annabeth and looked down at percie "please, no please!" I begged and tears fell down my face
Annabeth took my face in her hands and pressed are foreheads together

"Percy, there is nothing you can do for her, she was so miserable without you and couldn't even go to camp without breaking down
You and her are The same person and that means she won't go the hades, she is here, your here" she said and whipped my tears away

I wanted my percie back

Annabeth helped me up but not before I could scoop up percie in my arms
She was cold , her tear stained face made my heart shiver and I held her closer, annabeth helped me walked and the team walked behind me

When we got back to earth we went to Olympus , where Apollo pulled percie away from me silently and I finally calmed down

I turned to the team and they looked at me, "so your... percie" I nodded and stuck my hand out to the captain
"I was... but now I'm percy" I shook his hand

Annabeth tackled me an I fell to the floor "your alive! your here" she cried ad tears poured on her face
"I'm here" I said and grinned

My sadness faded away, but still there

The avengers stood before us and I new my life with percie would change

(I might not bring her back because I'm a ass)

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