Sept. 1st

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Skyler was staring out the window of his compartment, when he heard a girl's light airy voice from behind him. He turned around, not expecting anyone to want to sit with him.

"Hi..." She gave a little wave. "Could I sit here? Everywhere else is full..."

He nodded. "Sure." Looking around at the empty seats surrounding him, he added, "I think I can make room."

She giggled. She actually giggled at something Skyler said. Girls never talked to him, laughed at his jokes, and NEVER EVER sat with him. "Well thanks, I appreciate it."

He shrugged. "No problem."

She slid into the seat across from him and stuck out her hand. "I'm Holly Hufflepuff."

He recoiled. "Huffle- did you say Hufflepuff?"

She nodded, looking slightly hurt by his shock and flinch. "Yeah."

He saw how upset she was by his reaction and said, "I'm sorry, it's just, I didn't know any other descendants of the founders existed."

She smiled, "Sorry, I'm a little sensitive to people's reactions." She surveyed his face, and then added, looking confused, "Did you say other?"

He put his head in his hands. "If I tell you, you'll leave."

She patted his head gently, and said softly, "No I won't. I'm a descendant of Hufflepuff, it's not in my nature to abandon my friends, or potential friends."

He looked up at her, and whispered, "I'm Skyler Slytherin." And hid his face in his hands again.

She looked at him, looking confused, "You say that like it's a bad thing. Why?"

"Because Slytherin was a dark wizard."

She looked amused, "No, many of his followers are dark wizards, but Salazar himself wasn't. He was cunning and clever."

Skyler stared at her. He blinked. "You - you don't hate me?"

She laughed. "No, of course not! You seem like a perfectly lovely person. Why should I hate you because of your heritage?"

He blinked again, and pinched himself. "OUCH!!" He yelped.

Holly's reaction was instantaneous, she leaped forward, and touched the spot where he had pinched himself. The red welt slowly faded away.

"How did you-" Skyler started to ask, but was interrupted by a tall brunette girl entering.

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