Part 2

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I stare at our figures in the mirror and smile when she closes her eyes and breaths out relaxing her head in the crook of my neck.
《Can't believe I hated you.》 She whispers and I chuckle, she opens her eyes and smirks.
《We had all the rights to feel the way we felt about each other.》 I affirm putting my hand on hers that was on my covered tummy.
《Maybe it's because you looked meaner with long hair.》 She shares.
《I guess I did.》 I admit actually thinking about it.
《I love your hair, they shine. Just like you.》  She affirms and I blush.
《You don't need to flatter me, I'm already in only a bathrobe cuddled to you in a locked room.》 I state sarcastically and she chuckles.
《Oh, believe me I know that.》  She affirms smirking and I turn to face her, trapped between her and the sink.
She leans forward and I do too, about to kiss her lips but she takes me by surprise kissing my jaw, I laugh a little and she smirks giving me the kiss on the lips I was searching for.
《Enough with the little games, I need to dry the hair so much.》 I affirm smiling sweetly, caressing her chin and she nods.
《It still hurts.》 She states after moments of silence, I turn with lowering the hairdryer, she is sat on the stool, looking at the ground.
《Yeah?...》 I ask and she nods, I ask her indirectly to let me see the wounds.
She takes off my sweater revealing a huge pinkish scar on her chest, I turn off the hairdryer and sit on her lap, took by surprise she meets my gaze.
I slightly touch her skin studying her facial expressions to understand if I'm hurting her, but she looks almost lost in her mind.
《Ehy..》 I say quietly to "wake her up", I keep taking threating her skin like it's the most fragile things I could ever have a hold on.
《Sorry..》 She says with glittery eyes, I cup her cheeks delicately and let our lips touch slowly feeling every bit of her.
《It's okay.》 I assure her as our foreheads are glued together.
《Yeah, that's why...》 She affirms closing her eyes and I see a shy tear escaping from her eyes, almost against her will.
《I'm just...not used to this, I guess.》 She admits and I nod.
《I know.》
《Thank you.》 She says sincerely.
《For what?》
《For not looking at me differently.》 She explains and I smile.
《That's what makes us so...strong, isn't it?》 I affirm and she nods smirking.
《I guess I've always looked at you with mesmerized eyes then...》 I add and she chuckles.
《You did, yeah, I mean, it's me we're talking about.》 She states sarcastically and I giggle pecking her cheek.
We hear someone knocking at the bathroom door and scoff, I let get up letting her space, she puts my sweater back on and I hold my bathrobe tight close to my chest.
《I gotta get dressed.》 I state and she nods, she opens the bathroom door revealing Terra.
《What?》 Bea asks drily and I shake my head sarcastically, surpassing her to go and change into my room.
《O-oh nothing! There's Riven out of the door, he says he wants to speak to you, but like, I didn't want him to burst in whatever you girls were doing, I mean-.》  She explains.
《Get it. And by the way, we weren't doing "that", horny bitches, I just fucking lost my powers.》 Bea affirms walking to the door, I can't see her anymore, I quickly get dressed with something casual just so I could take a look. I do trust Beatrix, I do not to trust Riven, though.
《Please, Bea! Let me help you!》 I hear Riven beg and see Bea walking in upset.
《What happened?》 I ask quietly while everyone was watching and now Riven entered too, she's looking around trying to find what she needs to do, her gaze stops on me, I can see the panic in her eyes.
Bea runs to me and jumps into my arms, I wrap them around her tightly.
《What...?》 I ask again worried, not caring about the other's stares.
《He's dead.》 She affirms under her breath.
《W-who?》 I demand stroking her back to comfort her.
《My father, Andreas.》 I take her in my arms like a koala and take her to my room because I know she would feel uncomfortable there for too long.
《What do I have left now?》 She whispers.
《Stella? What happened?》 Flora asks worried, I beg her with a look to leave the room and she does nodding in understatement.
Beatrix starts to sob onto my skin, I cup her cheeks to make her look at me, after sitting and pulling her on my lap.
《He was shitty, but he was the only family I had left.》 She shares and I nod wiping her tears.
Our foreheads touch and she starts to breath slower as I caress the back of her neck.
《It's gonna be okay.》 I affirm pecking her cheek delicately.
《It's hard to believe, everything is crashing down and...》 She says but before she could finish I take her lips in a lovely kiss.
I caress her cheek in the kiss and she wraps her arms around my neck gently to keep me closer.
《Please.》 I whisper on her lips, opening my eyes.
《What, Stel?》 She asks looking at me.
《Please stop thinking that you don't have me.》  I almost beg her, she nods quickly and I hug her tightly, I can feel her cold hands crawling under my jumper giving me chills, she looks at me, not breaking the contact, I feel the tip of her finger getting closer to the gem. My eyes getting watery when she traces the gem gently.
《You have me too.》 She whispers and leans in, we start another kiss.
《Stel, is this you?》  She asks and I distance myself confused.
《You know, even with eyes closed I could see it.》 She affirms, I look down at me and I was kind of glowing, I panic.
《Your eyes..., they are beautiful.》 She states smirking.
《I'm- I'm sorry.》 I say worried.
《I think it's cute.》 She states smirking.
《What do you think if we go out and breath some fresh air?》 I propose, trying to change the subject and she agrees.
《What should I do now?》 She asks as we're about to go out of the room. I take her hand and caress it with my thumb.
《Just pretend like you're invisible.》 I state smirking.
《I'm not you, princess.》 She affirms giving me the same smirk.
《Alright, then do what you feel like to.》 I say, we head out and there's still Riven waiting, the room's filled with silence.
《What are you even doing? Do you think miss royalty is going to help you? Hear me, Bea, I know that what happened between us is messed up, but I understand it.》 The boy affirms.
《Riven, I appreciate it, but I guess that everything happens for a reason, and the reason is for the both of us to grow up and move on. And her name is Stella.》 I state.
《Whatever, but I warned you.》 He says and I look at him bitchy.
《Thanks, Riven.》 She says quietly, letting go of my hand to hug him as he holds her in his arms a strange feeling appears into my chest, I look around and see Bloom and Aisha looking at me. I give them a confused "what do you want" look and they chuckle by themselves.
I cough and Riven pulls Beatrix away slowly.
《I don't want to be blind for the rest of my life.》  I fake a smile.
《I might cut your hands instead.》  I affirm and see the faces of my suitmates, Bea smirks and turns to face me.
《Shall we go?》 She demands and I walk closer to her.
《We shall.》 I affirm grabbing her hand.
《At least you chose a hot one.》 Riven comments and I let him see my yellow eyes.
《I fear you shouldn't have said that.》 Beatrix replies before we leave the suit.
《I hope it's okay for you to let your head wander for awhile and processing the thing slowly.》I say and she nods giving me a weak smile.
《There's really not that much to process actually...I don't even think he loved me that much, he was just the only hope I had to be a part of a family.》 She admits.
《Got it. Just know that I'm here if you need me.》 I say, we are just out of the door of the school and she stops suddenly.
《I...》 She starts, and I realize that everything that happened is playing back in her mind, and also that it's still dangerous for me to go far from the school.
《We could go into the school garden and sit on a lonely bench.》 I propose and she nods.
We find an empty and lonely bench and sit on it.
《You're lucky you aren't a mind fairy by the way.》 She comments and I look at her curiously.
《I mean, Riven isn't wrong when he says you're hot, princess, mostly when you're jealous.》 She states and I smirk looking away.
《Why are you bringing it out right now right here?》 I ask trying to make it sound like a normal conversation for who's around us.
《Oh, it just...came into my mind.》 She says and chuckles, I hit my shoulder against hers playfully.
《You're not gonna win this, shut your mouth.》 I affirm still looking at everything but her, even when her hand falls *accidentally* on my leg.
《I thought you liked it wide opened.》 She whispers in my ear giving me chills, I shake my head no, trying to calm myself down.
《We could've stayed in my room if this was your plan.》 I affirm.
《But this is funnier, princess.》 She states giggling.
《I bet it won't be that fun for you if I start to play the same game.》 I affirm in her ear. I take her hand and let it up to my thigh as I could proudly see her missing a breath.
《What? Scared?》 I ask mischievously and leaving a peck on the back of her neck.
《I don't know, you tell me..》 She affirms grabbing my chin between two fingers letting me face her as our lips are a few inches apart.
《We are not alone, stormy.》 I affirm.
《I don't care, do you?》  She asks, letting her gaze to wander on my lips.
《..not really.》  I state hesitantly and she smirks, letting our lips finally touch in a controlled still heated kiss.
《You make me forget how shitty the world outside is.》 She murmurs on my lips and I smile before kissing her again more sweetly, she cups my cheek and kiss the tip of my nose, I turn on all the lights around us for a second.
《I can't help it.》 I say, pulling away from her, uncomfortable.
《Did that ever happen? You know, with Sky.》 She asks fixing my hair behind my ear.
《What if I say it didn't?》 I ask smirking and she smiles sincerely.
《I must reply that I feel honoured.》 She states and I peck her shoulder.
《By the still haven't mention the crocs I found in the office in this conversation.》 I say and she rolls her eyes.
《They are comfortable!》 She repeats.
《I know! And now I don't have them and I can't even go out to buy it.》 I affirm.
《I'll buy them for you, I own you that, but we'll wear them in our intimacy, because princess shouldn't walk with crocs on.》 She affirms smirking.
《A princess shouldn't even kiss and date the bad girl of the story, but here I am.》 I state playing with some of her hair.
《Date?》  She asks and I mentally curse myself for saying that.
《Well, I...I don't know?》
《Yeah, I like that.》 She admits and I exhale.
《Good!》 I say giggling in embarrassment.
《And by the're right. Consequences will find you, princess.》 She admits and I look at her confused.
《What do you mean?》 I ask confused.
《We both know there are going to be consequences in this, what does your mother think of...whatever your sexuality is?》 She asks tracing my necklace.
《I never told her I'm lesbian...》 I admit, Bea looks at me surprised.
《So-.》 She starts.
《But I guess she figured it out. And, yes...I didn't love Sky that way, I was trying to convince myself I did, but it didn't feel right.》I continue and she looks at me attentively.
《How do you think she figured it out?》 She demands quietly.
《You know for sure the story of how I blinded that girl two years ago.》 I start and she nods, getting closer to me, more than she already was.
《She wasn't just a girl...she was my girlfriend.》 I affirm as I try not to let any bad memory affect the way I talk or look.
《We were obviously dating in secret, but she, my mother, may have found some letters my girl sent to me when we were apart. The queen gave me a weird bracelet one day, I realize only after what happed that it was made as an amplifier of powers.》 I continue looking at the ground.
《I didn't lie, it really didn't happen with sky, but it did happen with her instead...I was with her that day, we were enjoying each other's company, at one point it happened but it went further than it usually did, and I blinded her...her parents took her far away from here, saying that she wasn't safe, I never heard from her again, and she will never know what happened that day.》 I finish.
She takes me on her lap and hugs me tightly.
《I'm just so scared.》I admit crying in her chest.
《Thank you.》 She says quietly.
《For what?》
《For giving this a chance.》 She affirms and I sob on her skin.
《I just selfishly put you in danger...》 I whisper.
《The only moments when I felt safe this year were when you were with me, so no, you didn't, but I have to tell you, I'll do anything to survive.》 She affirms.
《You better.》


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