12: Family Diner

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There's a silence between you and Iwaizumi that lasted a lot longer then you expected and you can see him look anywhere but you. You chuckle lightly at his foolish behavior. You loved teasing him so much.

There's a child's voice from the door of your house and you jump around to see you little brothers staring out.
"Mom says to invite your boyfriend in!"

You instantly take of your shoe and throw it at the two boys before starting to yell at them.
"He's not my-"

Mid sentence Iwaizumi pulls you down from your porch and down into his arm, causing you to yelp and cut yourself off.
"What's for diner."
He interupts up you as he cradles you in his arms.

Your brothers stick their tongue out at you before laughing a bit and answering Iwaizumi.
"It's taco night!"

"Sounds good!"
Iwaizumi responds as started to climb the porch before setting you down on your own two feet.

Your brothers laugh and rush back inside of your house to hide behind your mom before you can yell at them.

Iwaizumi laughs at the two boys before following them into your house, grabbing your shoe on the way in.
"How many siblings do you have?"

"Three. Two brothers then a sister, all younger."
You quickly responded, bee lining towards the kitchen to track your brothers down.

As soon as your sister sees Iwaizumi here eyes widened and points at him.
"That's him! Isn't it!"

Your sister is only a couple years younger and remembers your raging crush on Iwiazumi.

"When you said you were finally dating-"
She continues but thankfully you dad yells her name to shut her up.

Iwaizumi smiles slightly before looking at you and tilting his head confused. You ignore him and rush to take a seat at the table.
"Well sit if you are gonna stay and eat"

"What is with you four and being so disrespectful."
Your father clicks his tongue disapprovingly

"Learned it from you father dearest."
You joke as you start to dish your food and your father silently glares at you.

"Well at least tell us your name dear!"
Your mom smiles at you as she gestured to Iwaizumi.

"Hajime Iwaizumi, ma'am."
Iwaizumi formally introduced himself to your family.

"Yeah! And you play volleyball too! And the same middle school!"
Your sister stared to list about Iwaizumi before you kick her under the table to shut her up, making her yelp.

Your mother scolds you for hurting your sister and Iwaizumi is stuck staring at you in shock. You finally look at him and glare.
"What dumbass?"

"You talk to your family about me."
Iwaizumi stares.

You laugh, trying to play it cool, and shove a bit of food into your face.
"Like I do all volleyball players... who forget I go to middle school with them."

"Come on!"
Iwaizumi exclaims in defeat, causing a bit of your family to laugh.

The rest of diner was surprisingly painless despite Iwaizumi teasing you every once and a while. As soon as diner is finished and cleaned up with you rush to bring the sunflower to your room with Iwaizumi.

"Your sister has a lot to say about me..."
Iwaizumi started as you tucked the sunflower in front of the window with a small smile.

"I love sunflowers... they are so.. happy..."
You ignored Iwaizumi as you started to hum and pour some water leftover from your water bottle into the pot.

As you turned around there was Iwaizumi, his hand going to your grab you chin and hold your face still.
"They are... why does your sister know so much about me."

You continued to smile and like Iwaizumis face wasn't extremely close to yours at the moment and your heart wasn't beating out of your chest.
"I wish I was as happy as a sunflower. A flower in general to be honest."

Iwaizumi couldn't help but laugh a bit as he backed you against the wall and slipped his leg between your thighs.
"Yeah... being a flower is nice... they can't talk either. Bet you'd like that right now, wouldn't you?"

"Did you know trees actually talk to each other... I think it's through the roots or something."
You continued to ramble like Iwaizumi's leg was starting to slowly press further up between your legs.

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes with a small smile before finally asking a different question
"You remember how you said you cheered for me in middle school... did you have a crush on me?"

You froze and your entire body felt like it was fire. Yeah but like... you still did... kinda...

Iwaizumi laughed and relieved the pressure between your legs before pulling away from you.
"I got my answer then.... I may of thought you were... pretty as well... back then!"

You awkwardly laughed and quickly pushed away from the wall, marching towards the center of the room again.
"You should do that in public. They might actually get jealous of that."

Iwaizumi laughed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck and his body followed you. Neither of you could believe what you had both admitted and now there was a tense feeling.

"Aren't you scaring off anyone who could possibly like you by doing this too?"
Iwaizumi awkwardly asked you and you quickly shock your head in response. The only person you remotely liked was the person you were faking a relationship with anyways.

"I'd rather have Oikawa off my back then a chance with anyone else."

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