darling of the heavens

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"Crimson flames ? i have never heard of such a kind , and you say unintentional well i presume it's the complete opposite , this person isn't trying to dodge attention but directly invite it."

"Your Majesty , we have sent our own deputy officials in the aforementioned places but there is not one person who remembers a person or a human or an official initiating the fire, as if it was spontaneous." added Mu Qing whose tonality was serious. 

"I wonder , who could be the source , take no worry , i will investigate it myself, I might have to take the help of San Lang." 

"Your Majesty , we have two people who would be willing to add to your investigation , they insisted on it." Said Mu Qing as the two figures began to enter the capital.

"Well i won't mind an extra pair of help." 

As the two figures entered the capital , Xie Lian practically stood in shock , he knew these people.

"A-Xian and Hanguang Jun." 

"Your Majesty you know them?" Asked Feng Xin. 

As Xie Lian proceeded to walk towards the two male figures , he was embraced in a tight hug by the male dressed in black and red attire. 

"LIAN !!!!! it's been a long time , hasn't it ?" 

Practically everyone in the capital stood in revelation on the sudden use of the heavenly emperor's first name , not even his lover has ever used it. 

"Of course it has been , last time we met i was a scrap collector." Said Xie Lian as his lips turned into a soft smile. 

He didn't know too much about Wei Wuxian however he has always felt a sense of familiarity with the male. 

 "A-Xian you might want to break this hug ,i can see your husband giving piercing looks to me." Xie Lian whispered allowing Wei Wuxian to let out a soft laugh.

"he is the jealous kind Lian." 

"Anyways to what do i owe this wonderful surprise." Xie Lian was so wrapped up in the suddenness of the situation that he completely forgot what the both males were here to do. 

"Your Majesty , these are the two males who would be accompanying you on your investigation." Spoke Feng Xin. 

"What , A-Xian have you witnessed such an incident?"

"Yes we have witnessed this incident Your Majesty , but not in our sect rather in the Yunmeng Jiang Clan." Spoke the awfully quiet male dressed in all white his aura exuded grace. 

"Please drop the honorifics Hanguang Jun , we are past that , and i prefer we discuss this matter somewhere in private , please be my guest." Xie Lian offered. 

"This shall be all for today , we shall discuss this matter in detail when i am finished with the investigation , General Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen please keep me updated with any new details." 

"Your Majesty." spoke both the gods slightly bowing to the heavenly emperor. 

Xie Lian along with the two cultivators made their way out . 

"I prefer we discuss this matter in the paradise manor." 

"Paradise manor ? is that the castle you live in Lian ?" Wei Wuxian asked in sheer curiosity. 

"No , its not a castle , it is just somewhere safe." Xie Lian said as a soft blush appeared on his face. 

" Lian , what are you hiding , you are blushing." 

" I AM NOT." 

" Let's just leave." Xie Lian said as he drew a distance shortening array. 

Just as they entered the Paradise Manor , both the cultivators were left in awe considering the breathtaking interior of the manor , it was exceptional. The entire manor was rich in it's infrastructure , everything was blood red. 

"Wha- , what the hell is this place, its just so red." Wei Wuxian said as his eyes practically sparkled. 

"i must second that , it is rather exquisite."  

"We are currently in the ghost city and this is the manor of the Ghost King , crimson rain sought flower." 


" Wei Ying calm down , you know that we are with the heavenly emperor." Lan Zhan assured. 

 "Absolutely and i am with the leader of the Lan sect and the grandmaster of demonic cultivation." Xie Lian looked back and smiled. 

" Well you are not wrong Lian, let's fight this ghost." 

"No need for that , he won't ever hurt us-" 

Before Xie Lian could complete his sentence , someone spoke through his spiritual communication array.

"gege , come to the river side behind the manor ,your lover is waiting for you." 

Xie Lian couldn't help but smile. 

"excuse me , cultivators , i will be back in a few minutes , please make yourselves comfortable." Said Xie Lian practically in a hurry. 

"Yin Yu , could please offer some tea to these cultivators i would be back in a couple minutes." 

"Of course , Your Majesty." 

"LIAN, fill us with the details." Wei Wuxian said as he winked at the heavenly emperor. 

Xie Lian couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He immediately rushed out of the hall , and proceeded towards the location his lover told him about. 

He couldn't help but wonder what the surprise was about, Hua cheng was always very mysterious. 

crimson veil of the moonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon