"Holy shit!! Ms. L/n you have fucking rats in your basement!"

Levi was currently cleaning my basement and turning it into a bunker. I was up in the kitchen prepping something for us to eat. Just a few cakes and cookies.

Surprisingly enough....  Rissa was also here... WITH EREN.

"How much are there, Mr. Ackerman?" "Too much... I'm gonna need to call pest control."

"And that's how I kind of became y/n's personal assistant." - "You're not my assistant Rissa. Stop lying to the man."

I got a few drinks and put them on the coffee table in the living room.  

I went down to the basement and started sneezing like a bitch.

"Ms. l/n, you can't be down here." "What the fuck.... " "Y/n! Woman!! The fuck is wrong with you."

Rissa came behind me and pulled me out of the basement. 

"You need a fucking mask to go down there. Idiot woman." 

I went down to the basement and tugged on Levi's shoulder, after announcing my arrival lmfao. "Take a brake Mr. Ackerman. You can finish tomorrow."

He nodded and followed me up the stairs. He went up to his room and I sat on the sofa. Watching the television for a bit before I was interrupted but giggles.

I looked at Rissa and Eren and saw him whispering in her ears about something.

I made eye connection with her. I broke it away and went back to the tv. Then they started kissing. 

I looked at Rissa and just said the first thing that came to mind. " I wanna fight you." "Let's go then, bitch."

Rissa and I started fighting like physically. I honestly have no reason to fight her. I just don't like her face.

"Am.... Levi, should we stop them?" "It'll be over in a minute. You'll get use to it."

"Y/n, you are the biggest hoe I've ever met." "Oh yea? I'm not the one sleeping with a random man that I met just 2 weeks ago!" 

Rissa looked at me funny. "I'm not fucking sleeping with him." "Well what the fuck are you doing? Cuddling up to him every night? I know yo ass be on that dick." 

Rissa looked at me and I knew what this bitch was planning. "I'm sorry, I'm not the one dreaming about her house husband."

"Rissa!! Hush!" 

I felt Levi watch us as I had my hands over Rissa's mouth while she laugh.

"Bitch? I'm going to fucking kill you." - "Atata, no killing my woman."

Eren pulled Rissa out of my hands and she landed straight on his lap.

"You two are disgusting." - "Love you too hoe." 

Rissa and Eren started sloppily kissing on my chair. It was nice to see Rissa with someone that she loved, other than just going to clubs almost every night.

"Jesus get a room." "Y/n when are we gong to church again?" "This Saturday dumbass" "Right"

I was reading a book that I had borrowed from the library. Because, like every good writer, we get a block.

"Eren, wanna come to church with us on Saturday?" "Rissa no, no niggas, you know our fucking policy." "Just this once y/n please?." 

I was close to powning ham on this bitch. "Looks like were having Christmas early this year." "What you mean by that?" "I just found the pig for the pudding!" 

And I launched at her. Dragging her off of Eren's lap.

"Levi, can you please stop these ladies?" "Don't get me involved, if you wanna know what'll happen try stopping them."

Eren swallowed and tried to stop me and Rissa's play fight.

Rissa turned to Eren then back to me. "He really tranna die?" "Guess so." 

With that, Rissa and I looked back at her lover and we jumped on him.

He was screaming because it was unexpecting.

"Ladies, ladies! Stop please!! I'm sorry!!"

Levi POV.

After sometime, the ladies fell asleep holding onto each other. From my experience. Don't wake them up. 

Although, they were sleeping on the floor. Good thing that I cleaned the rug out properly.

"Are they always like this?" "Yes. Almost every time Ms. Solomon is here. If it's not for business, it's just for them to act as kids."

Eren was just staring at Ms. Solomon. I knew that look. "You love her, don't you?" "Huh?... Yea I do. She's amazing. The most out going person I know"

"She's a good person, Eren. Keep her safe. Don't do anything stupid. And you know that to do if you get any heat on your ass." "Yes sir."

You see the thing with me and Eren is, we're not normal citizens of the country. We need something to lay low for a while.

Y/n's POV

"Rissa get up. Your fucking heavy bitch." - "Just 5 more minutes hoe..." "Rissa get your heavy fat ass up, your crushing me!"

Rissa just rolled off me. She was picked up by Eren who surprisingly didn't leave. He sat on the family seat and layed with y/n on him.

"Y'all are adorable." I got up from the ground and went to my room, and straight to bed.

Unknown POV

"Have you found them yet?" "No sir, were still searching." "Hurry and find him. Levi can't stay alive after what he and his men put me though."

I was currently missing a arm and an eye. It's all because of Levi. If he just left my brother alone, I wouldn't be in this fucking mess.

Fucking ass hole.

"Fuckng find them! And do it tonight! I want answers by sunrise."

Who do you think the unknown POV is? 

Will there be a fight? 


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