三 17 is 4 too many

Start from the beginning

I tried to look each of them in the eyes as I looked around, faking confidence and adding a little more weight and sincerity into my words. Seon didn't look exactly happy, but he still nodded, taking my words in. He seemed smart, so he probably knew that while I was mainly trying to safe myself here, there was still truth to my speech.

"That... makes a lot of sense" K nodded his head as well and Sungchul too agreed with a humming tone.

"So ... lets just try to get to know each other a little more and try to make up our minds, okay?" Seon added.

That being said, we all spread out again. Most had at least another person they were more or less familiar with and they quickly formed little groups to keep exploring. Some went up into the rooms, some to the gym, some wanted snacks and others simply stayed there and talk.

Niki and Taki went towards the kitchen area, while everyone else seemed to disappear as well, so I decided to leave the connected room too, to leave give them some privacy to catch up.

Finally, somewhat calm I noticed fatigue cursing through my body and decided that It was time for a snack or some juice, a little pick me up to help combat the ache in my body from the strenuous training in the week prior leading up to this big day.

As I arrived at the door however, I saw I wasn't the only one hoping for a glucose kick. Seon and Heeseung stood in the corner directly next to the doorframe. "Is it okay to tell a secret here?" I heard Seon ask.

Before he could continue, I made my presence known by clearing my throat just a little. "Don't mind me boys, Seon-shi" I didn't want to intrude, but I also knew that he knew that whatever secret he wanted to share would automatically be shared with millions watching through a camera.

Both looked up to me as I made my way past them, heading directly for the food display to grab a little bottle of orange juice.

Seon as expected didn't actually mind and simply continued on "I really want to be in a group with you" towards Heeseung, who bashfully smiled and thanked him, telling him to eat his snack to divert the attention.

I closed the bottle cap after finishing about half of its contents and added onto Seons praise "He's right though, you're really good" turning to Seon I also said, "and you seem like a really smart one" and smirked. He really was doing his best to get on everyone's good side so that they'd like and spare him, and I really couldn't blame him either.

Heeseung scratched his neck a little and shook his bangs out of his eyes once more, smile still adorning his lips. "Thank you" Chuckling a little he said "You also left quite the impression when you walked in, I think no one saw that coming"

I huffed playfully, trying to ease the resilient awkward tension "Oh believe me, I didn't either not too long ago"

"Well let's hope we all get to stay here for a while then" Seon, who I almost forgot about as something about the other boys presence always seemed to demand all my attention, just like before during the first votings when I got lost in my head and my eyes automatically gravitated to his.

I hummed in agreement and made my way to the door again "I will leave you guys to it then" and smiled politely as I left the room.

I was a girl on a mission and shouldn't get too caught up as time was of essence. I wanted to talk to as many of them as I could before partaking in making up to 4 of them sad. I at least needed to learn their names. I couldn't exactly vote for one of them without names. I knew myself well enough that if I attempted that, I would probably mix up someone and possibly mess up the results by accident.

But first, nature called and I went upstairs to search for a bathroom. I was about to open the 4th door and was starting to get a little desperate when suddenly the door swung open towards the inside of the room and a figure walked straight into me. I didn't have any time to react and dodge as my face and upper body was smashed right into someone's firm chest, knocking the breath right out of my lungs.

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