Consider My Heart? 🤍🖤

Start from the beginning

Sometimes Norman asks himself if his rival was Mama and his siblings or just the books in the library.

Should he rip off those books? It has been too inconvenient for him to get Ray's attention too many times.

Ray raised the book up and accidentally hitting Norman by the chin.
" Oh gosh! Norman?! "

" I'm fine! It's okay! "
Norman sat down besides Ray while rubbing his reddening chin.

He felt like the book Ray was paying attention to had gotten his revenge for Norman's 'I will rip the books' thought.

Ray placed the book down. 1 to Norman against 9 to the books. Ray's face looked frantic that Norman concluded getting hurt really gets his attention but rather than that expression he'd rather have Ray wear a smile. Ray's frantic hands wave around the air awkwardly unsure of what to do in this situation.

Norman used the opportunity to grab Ray's hand. " I'm fine, Ray. It doesn't hurt much. "

Ray frowned and squeezed his hand tighter. " Don't be an idiot. You're turning red already. It's like you're getting sick. "

Ray's an idiot when it comes to emotion. Norman had to conclude.
" I feel embarrassed because Ray's so pretty! " Instead of a blush, Ray felt taken back.

" Emma's playing. " Ray commented before taking a seat back besides Norman.

" Hm? Yeah she is. " Norman responded before placing his head on Ray's shoulder as if giving a sign that he would stay with Ray.

" Don't you want to play with her? "

" I can play with her tomorrow. I'm gonna spend time with you. " Norman commented while taking the opportunity to rest his head on Ray's lap. Ray had to look down and the great moment Norman received was when Ray's blush slowly spread from his cheeks to his ears.

" I'm not that fun to be with unlike Emma. " Ray commented.

Despite the ache in his heart, Norman smiled at Ray. " Emma is Emma. I just want to be with Ray. You're fun in your own way. I feel more relaxed being with you. " Norman commented before turning to his side and hugging Ray's waist.

Willing the blush away from staying, Ray sighed at Norman's clinginess. He used one hand to open the book and the other to card his fingers through Norman's hair. He removes his hand whenever he had to turn the page but it was more than enough for Norman to consider this a win.

Well that was until...

" Norman! Ray! There you guys are! " Emma called out. The hand that was on Norman's hair was pulled away much to Norman's displeasure. Norman sat up and turned to Emma.
" Yes Emma? "

" Play with us! Don and the others are going to play tag! " Emma exclaimed with her arms in the air as if she was cheering. Norman couldn't help smile at her energy.

It seemed to be a bad move at Norman's part to do so.

" Norman needs the exercise. Have him play. " Ray immediately pushed. Norman's jaw dropped in shock at his sudden not so suggestion to Emma.

Ray slowly stood up. Emma and Norman almost felt like smiling until Ray walked away from them. " I'll be reading in the library while you guys enjoy. "

Norman pouted while Emma could do nothing at Ray's stubbornness. " So... Has he finally noticed? I promise he likes you too! " Emma said to Norman with certainty.

Norman shook his head. " You know Ray. Nothing catches his interest than books. "

Emma puffed her cheeks. " I swear one day we'll have to burn that library down! "

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