"I am so happy that you're here!" She squealed and she squeezed her tightly, she was clearly already drunk from how happy she acted. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to some of my friends. I'm so happy you're here." She kept repeating that phrase which made Olivia laugh as she followed her to a table.

She knew that if she had decided not to come Lucy wouldn't of even noticed her absence. She wasn't offended by this, she just thought it was humorous how alcohol could amplify you emotions - Lucy was clearly a happy and hyper drunk.

Lucy led her to one of the tables in the back corner of the bar, dimly lit since the bar's lights were dimmer than a candle flame. Though, she could still see all of their faces, a group of 6 people were sat around the table. "Guys this is my best friend, Olivia . . ." She began with her arm wrapped around Olivia's shoulders. Then she scrunched her eyebrows together, "What's your last name?"

Olivia laughed and whispered in Lucy's ear, not only because it was loud and she could hear her better this way but to also give Lucy the chance to act like she knew it all along, "Warren."

"Olivia Warren." She said to the group of people sitting down at the booth. She then got immediately distracted, she acted like a dog surrounded by squirrels or birds as her head whipped around, "Oh my god, Terri just arrived, you guys talk to Olivia, I'll be right back!" She practically pushed Olivia into a seat and she rushed off, stumbling as she left.

Most people in this situation would feel awkward and would be uncomfortable surrounded by so many strangers but Olivia was someone who flourished with people - she was easy to talk to and the only thing intimidating about her was how pretty she was.

She quickly reintroduced herself and began a conversation with one of the guys sat at the table. His name was Matt and the others were members of the band he was apart of. There were also two girls, Breana who was Matt's girlfriend and Katie who was Jamie's.

Matt had pointed at each one of them and introduced them since Olivia couldn't hear them over whatever pop, party anthem was playing.

She had heard about the Arctic Monkeys before but couldn't of put their faces to the name.

Once you meet a couple of bands and musicians that mesmerisation begins to wear away and you don't become starstruck anymore, or at least not as much - they eventually just become people to you.

So whilst Olivia admired anyone with the talent to produce anything slightly lyrically or rhythmically good (which she could never do) she didn't act exaggeratedly blown away. Sometimes this offended people but then they deserved the ego blow, no one was worthy of being praised just for creating something - though she had to admit that the Arctic Monkey's hadn't just created something they had created something great and it did feel slightly surreal to be talking to them so casually.

Everyone seemed to get along with Olivia, eventually after a few more drinks it seemed liked she wasn't just someone that they had just met, she just fit in so easily - there was just something so naturally likeable about her.

Olivia had always been able to fit into a group with ease, she didn't have to try hard to be liked - she just was. Of course the fact that she was attractive helped, but she was also socially aware and wasn't terribly dull and humourless (like some people, who assume they can just ease through life based on looks alone). Olivia was truly the full package.

Katie and Breana really enjoyed having another girl to talk to. The only person who didn't seem happy to have Olivia there was Alex, sat at the end of the table wearing his sunglasses and a scowl.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now