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Its been a month ,I've gotten two close friends,dila and Ayse,we've gotten very close,the young sultan has gotten bigger, I was currently feeding her while we sat in the Harem,it was shown that her mother nur sultan didn't really care alot about her as she was a girl.
Another rule I learned in this palace is that the only way to become or gain status is to give birth to a son it was a very strange rule but understandable that most kings wants sons and not daughters but it has occurred to me that sultan Mahmoud loved his daughter.
Just then a harem agha called hamza came to me ,I got up and gave a small bow before he pulled me apart to follow him "go to the hamam and have a bath ,the sultan is requesting you hatun"

I was overjoyed but at the same time a bit fearful ,I didn't want to be in harem drama but  I do admit that I have fallen madly for him. Especially since the first time we shared a kiss a week ago

Before going and prepare I went to valide sultan room as she wanted to see her granddaughter, we knocked and went it ,I bowed before she told me to rise ,I saw two faces I've never saw but I did remember that the sultan's sister had arrived so I assumed its them.

Before going and prepare I went to valide sultan room as she wanted to see her granddaughter, we knocked and went it ,I bowed before she told me to rise ,I saw two faces I've never saw but I did remember that the sultan's sister had arrived so I a...

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Ive got to admit that there very beautiful, the valide sultan told me to come and I gave her ,her granddaughter, at this age hatice sultan was very beautiful its like nur completely forgot about her daughter exsisted

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Ive got to admit that there very beautiful, the valide sultan told me to come and I gave her ,her granddaughter, at this age hatice sultan was very beautiful its like nur completely forgot about her daughter exsisted


I got to know one of the sultana ,her name was Yildiz she was very nice,her sister yalmaz wasn't very talkative she just liked to observe, obviously Valide elmas sultan new I was going to visit her son so she made sure to threaten me obviously

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I got to know one of the sultana ,her name was Yildiz she was very nice,her sister yalmaz wasn't very talkative she just liked to observe, obviously Valide elmas sultan new I was going to visit her son so she made sure to threaten me obviously

"Oof Eleanor your so lucky,the sultan will be enchanted with your beauty" joked dila as her and ayse were helping me get ready
"He's already enchanted, but remember one thing Eleanor men only want one thing ,so you have to make him your slave" said Ayse

She was right ,and I plan on doing just that ,I'm going to be his first and only love .... Its time for my era.

I was walking through the halls of the palace on my way to the sultan chambers ,it waa so quite all you heard were the sounds if footsteps,I was scared not gonna lie ,but I knew its time to be brave

I was walking through the halls of the palace on my way to the sultan chambers ,it waa so quite all you heard were the sounds if footsteps,I was scared not gonna lie ,but I knew its time to be brave

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Just before I reached his chambers ,I saw nur begun walking up to me obviously she was quite angry, she saw me and Marched to me so fast that the grounds were shaking.

"you snake ,this was your plan all along to invade and seduce the sultan" she said looking at me in disgust
"I beg your pardon sultana but I didn't do anything it was the sultan himself that called for me" I replied with my head raised high

She walked up to me ,with an smug look and said "it doesn't matter if it was the devil himself that called you ,remember this I'm nur,nur sultan his majesty's first hatun" she said with her head risen high ,then she walked away

She walked up to me ,with an smug look and said "it doesn't matter if it was the devil himself that called you ,remember this I'm nur,nur sultan his majesty's first hatun" she said with her head risen high ,then she walked away

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I continued my journey to the sultan chambers, I knocked on the door "come" he said ,the guards immediately opened the door as I walked in ,I knew the rule but I was going to break it

I bowed to him as we looked each other in the eyes ,I straightened my form and continued the eye contact with him ,finally breaking it by walking to the balcony, he cane behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while whispering in my ears "D...

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I bowed to him as we looked each other in the eyes ,I straightened my form and continued the eye contact with him ,finally breaking it by walking to the balcony, he cane behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while whispering in my ears "Don't you know the rules little lady" I smirks and turned to him ,held his neck and whispered back in his "rules are meant to be broken"

He looked me in the eyes and held a little smirk before his lips reached on mines and we ended up in a deep kiss

Oh how wonderful is this night gonna be

Oh how wonderful is this night gonna be

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