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Dick, sees Damian rubbing his mouth furiously: what's going lil' D?

Damian, flustered: Marinette.

Dick, trying not to laugh: I-is that glitter!? Golden glitter!?

Jason: did someone say gold glitte- Holy fuck! why is there glitter on the gremlin's mouth?!

Dick: *shrugs*

Jason, taking pictures: OMG, This is Gold...Ha! I made a pun.

Damian: Todd, put that phone down before I chop your arms off.

Jason, not listening: smile golden boi.  Aha! I made another pun!

Dick: Did she make you eat glitter or something?

Damian, not thinking about what he's saying:  She did mention something about Bourgeois making her wear glitter lipstick...

Jason: how is that related to- wait a damn minute.


Jason: oh.

Jason: Holy shit.



Dick: I don't get it.

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