The Mother

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Hii everyone let's start the story
  There were a lot of thought going on in cale mind but soon he got tired after  observing that man but he was still cursing god of death for this and ofcourse a child body useaully fall asleep at that moment and like that cale fall asleep and next day when he woke up he found himself in some type of town but then he hard some people running towards that man saying to capture him and those where soilders and soon one gard catch him but the two children's fall in a basket in a transporting vehicle but the vehicle was really fast then one gard with golden aroma shouted and said
Gard: the twins are in that vehicle someone go and save them !!!
But the vehicle was really fast and was now going from a bridge but because the door was not closed the basket fall in the river when vehicle moved suddenly and the nights did there best but cannot save them meanwhile cale was thinking
Cale:{ where they here to save us did some one told them that this is a market where children are being sold and they came here to help them ???}
Then he saw a blue bird and said
Cale: wo wo woo? *translate* hey lucky Bird where are you going?
Bird: checheche* translate* I am going towards eorka empire because season is going to change soon !
Clae: whhhh!? *Translate* WHATTT !! You can understand me how??
Bird: chu chuu ??? * Translate* I do not know but somehow I can understand you Little kid
Cale : wahhh*Translate* really then can you please do us favour I do not have intension of diying in this basket of hunger !
Bird: che che *Translate* sure I will help you because I found you both interesting and pity full let me call my friend's / then the bird use Bird signals to call the birds and soon a large group of birds came and grab the basket Handel and lift it up in the sky and they fly far far away from that known please and then the birds slowly put the basket in the river soon the a woman with black hair saw the basket and lift it up and saw the bueatyful and pretty twins the woman was coverd in dirt and her old clothes were ripped too she hade massy hair and eyes where coverd with her massy hair but the lady toke the two children to her small house which was made up of wood and stick and only had one room and didn't hade many neseeury things it was most likely empty and it looks like the woman was hungry for days and soo she finally had 5 silver coins now she could have finally eart something tasty but what is this why was woman buying milk with her payment for the kids she is littlery hungry for days then why is she feading them milk that she buy from her payment?!?!?!!

I hope you like IT

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