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Phone conversations/ or face time conversations

Regular conversations/or inner thoughts


I need to tell my father that I handed in my resignation I can't stay in Hawaii anymore 15 minutes ago I got a phone call from St Vincent hospital in Sydney Australia ringringring
Hello hi is this Dr Adrianne McGarrett this is she hi this is the chairman of the board at St Vincent hospital in Sydney Australia um hello sir I noticed that you put in an application at St Vincent hospital I did 2 weeks ago why well how soon can you get to Sydney um I need to pack I can be there in 5 days I was going to head out around that time anyway I have a few things to settle in Hawaii before I leave but I can be on a plane in 5 days definitely okay I will see you in seven days Dr McGarrett yes sir see you then bye bye

Now I just need to head to HPD and talk to my father

Time skip to getting ready and getting in her car and getting to HPD

Hey Duke is my father here he is Adrianne I need to talk to him okay Adrianne you know where his desk is at

Dad can we talk of course kiddo what's going on um I handed in my resignation at kings medical center and notified tripler what why I can't be here anymore it's to much it's to hard I lost two patients in the Operating room dad kids and it's not right especially with me having too basically call time of death on Sophie 2 weeks ago I did a job application online the residency was at St Vincent hospital in Sydney Australia I know you don't want me to leave but this is a huge opportunity head of the Emergency department and I'm hoping I can still operate but I'm just sad dad Adrianne I love you your my daughter and I know it's painful right now you and Sophie were thick as thieves if I couldn't find you i knew you would be with soph so if you want to do this go for it and understand and support you one hundred and ten percent okay if taking the job makes you happy than go for it but you are going to call me every other day okay okay dad I was hoping you can keep my Jeep maintained for when I come back that way I have something to drive of course I will when do you leave well I have to be on a plane within five days I'm just going to pack my clothes my surfboards my wetsuits um can I give my keys before you leave and then you just pack up my pots and pans plates vups bowl and civilware  furniture is staying though okay yes are you leaving in the morning or in the afternoon I might take a red-eye flight the day before so you can see me off if that's okay with you of course Ria you want some help packing your clothes no I got it but i need to ask a question shoot can you keep my guns here yeah but won't you need them no I have 2 in Australia that are up to legal specs um I'm going to go home and going to pack I love you dad love you too kiddo

Time skip getting to her house and packing

I need to call Reidy let him know that I will need a ride in the next 4 days


Hey Adrianne hey Reidy um I need a favor okay what do you need I need you to pick me up from the airport in the next  4 days I'm going to be taking a red eye at like 11pm and I should be arriving in Sydney around a little after 5 I'll shoot you the details when I book it really that's easy do you have someplace to stay yet no not yet why well stay with me it will be fun to prank kerrbox please Ria fine I will stay with you Reidy Thank you I currently have 2 roommates though it's a four bed apartment so yay
What Reidy it's going to get back to kerrbox h harries and Kobi and if it does I'm telling them It was your idea okay fine with me alright I have to get off the phone so I can pack okay okay talk to you later yeah bye Ria bye Reidy.

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