Chp 2 Day to day

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A guide

Y/N:= speaking

Y/N- = thinking

" " =actions

--------- = time skip


" Y/N and his friends are walking in the halls when there stopped by Laura and her girls"

Laura: oh hay Y/N, its been about what a week since you showed up how are you enjoying it?

Y/N: oh yeah its great the class are fun and Corey and B&B have been

Laura: right right now i know today in science that we are doing a experiment, and i was wondering if you would like to be lab partner?

Ruby: but Laura am normally your lab partner 

Laura: that's fine Ruby you can just go with sera 

Ruby: oh ok 

Laura: so what do you say Y/N?

Y/N: oh i would love to Laura but 

Corey: am already his lab partner 

"Corey buts in with a smuck look on his face, Laura is annoyed"

Laura: arh fine have it your way 

"Laura and her girls walk away"

Bryan: yeah she knows nothing about science

Brenden:  come on we don't want to be late 

Y/N: yeah 

"The boys walk in to class Y/N see Ashley sitting at the back of the class he waves at her she waves back the quickly looks away all shy"

Y/N- she's kinda cute 

Corey: hay class is starting 

Y/N: oh right 

"Y/N goes on with the rest of his class" 


"Y/N is in math and Ashley is sitting a head of Y/N she seem to looking for something"

Y/N: hay Ashley are you ok ?

Ashley: oh y yeah am fine 

Y/N: you sure because you look like you cant find something want help?

Ashley: ah yes please i cant find me pen

Y/N: oh easy I all way bring extras 

"Y/N pulls out a pen from his bag and hand its to Ashley"

Ashley: tt thank you Y/N

Y/N: all good 

"Ashley holds the pen close to her, later in class Y/N looks like he is struggling with a question" 

Ashley- oh Y/N seem to be struggling maybe i can help 

Ashley: ah Y/N

Brenden: oh Y/N are you finding that on hard 

Y/N: yeah i don't really get it do you 

Branded: oh yeah here let me help you 

Ashley- oh never mind then


"At lunch the boys are sitting down at a lunch table"

Brenden: no way dude my hero is bad 

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