Alright, level 4 was really something most university students could pass anyway. Jungkook was not being humble when he said his English foundations were poor. As a professional athlete, if he had managed to train his English up well too, now that would truly be shocking. Lisa obviously realised this as well, and she said, "Level 4 is actually really easy to pass. You just need to go through several question sets and grasp the general idea of how the questions are asked and it'll be fine. It's too late to memorise vocabulary now. There's only one month left till the exam. ... Wait, no, don't you still have to go for the winter championships? Won't this affect your training? Why don't you take the test next year?"

"It'll be fine. Some reading after training is kind of relaxing for me. Um, then," he looked at her somewhat uncertainly, "Solving some questions should also be relaxing?"

Lisa was amused. "You're asking me? I don't know, but in any case, solving questions are not relaxing for me. If you aren't tired, every day, after training, read an English text, and after you are done with the questions, check the answers for yourself. Then, also take some time to complete a set or two of past questions. It's too late now to practise listening. If you encounter something you don't know, then just choose whichever option seems easiest. You don't have to practise your translation either. During the test, just leave it for last. Let fate decide however many points you can get there. As for the essay part, just follow your gut. Pay a little attention to practising your English writing — it's fine as long as your paper is clean and neat."

She had rattled off such a long list; Jungkook took a moment to digest her words, then replied, "So I basically only have to practise my reading comprehension?"

"Bingo! Your time is limited. It'll be fine to just practise this, young man," said Lisa solemnly, patting his shoulder, "It's okay even if you don't pass. Don't give yourself too much pressure. You should know that levels 4 to 6 are extremely mysterious exams ... anything is possible."

Jungkook smiled, flashing brilliant white teeth. "Okay."

They stood up to leave. Struck by some random whimsy, Lisa skipped down the steps. In order to prove to herself that her legs weren't that short, she even hopped over two steps in one leap, but accidentally landed on the edge of the step and slipped.

Just as it looked like she was about to face-plant onto the ground, Jungkook reacted swiftly, grabbing hold of her arm to pull her up.

And then her feet left the ground as she was lifted up into the air by him just like that ... just like that ...

In that moment, Lisa felt like a piece of cured meat fluttering in the wind.

Luckily he very quickly set her down again.

After that, Lisa accompanied Jungkook to their campus bookstore to purchase a set of level 4 past year papers. And then, Jungkook installed a translation software under Lisa's recommendation. Lisa agreed to help tutor Jungkook. She would go through a reading comprehension text with him every day, and Jungkook could come to her with any questions he might have.

This was quite a simple matter for Lisa.

In the afternoon, Jungkook returned to the training base of the national swim team. When his Coach RM Yong saw him, he said, "The training camp for the winter championships are about to begin. The usual rules apply. Hand over your handphone half an hour before bedtime. Don't make me come find you. Oh, by the way, you like being interviewed, right? You'll also be joining the pre-competition press conference this time." RM smirked as he said this. On his criminal-looking face, the effect was rather frightening.

Jungkook knew that RM was giving him flak for cooperating with Lisa and her article. He scratched his nose. "Isn't Soobin the one who likes being interviewed?"

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