Arina looks at Catelyn which makes Varys smile.  "My little birds are everywhere.  Even in the North."   Catelyn nods at Rodrick to pick up the dagger and gives it to Varys. 

Varys looks at it "Valyrian steel."

"Do you know whose dagger this is?"  Catelyn asks. 

Varys sighes "I must admit i do not."

Petyr smiles "Well, well. This is an historic day.  Something you don't know but i do.  There's only one dagger like this in the Seven kingdoms.   It's mine."

Catelyn looks at him shocked "Yours?"

Petyr nods "Atleast it was, until the tornaument on prince Joffrey's last nameday.  I bet it on ser Jaime in the jousting as any sane man would.  When the knight of the flowers unseated him.  I lost this dagger."

Catelyn looks at him worried "To whom?"

"Tyrion Lannister, the imp." Petyr tells them.  

Arina, Catelyn and ser Rodrik are waiting for Petyr.  He's gone to tell Ned that they here.  

Arina was walking to the balcony and there she saw Ned chocking Petyr. 

She sighes "Ned! We're here."  Ned looks at her and pulls away from Petyr and walks in. 

Ned comes up and when he sees Cat, he sighes in relief and brings her into a hug.  Arina smiles at them.  When Petyr comes up they pull away.  

"The mere suggestion that the queen's brother tried to kill your boy would be considered treason."  Petyr tells them.

Catelyn looks at him "We have proof. We have the blade."  

"Which lord Tyrion will say was stolen or lost from him. The only who could say otherwise has no throat.  Thanks to your boy's wolf."

Catelyn looks at Ned "Petyr has promised to help us find the the truth.  He's like a little brother to me and Arina. He would never betray our trust." 

"I'll try to keep you alive, for her sake"  Petyr tells  them and walks out. 

Catelyn looks at Arina "I need you to stay here with Ned and the girls."

Arina looks at her shocked "What? I promised Gabrielle i would be back.  I gave her my word."

Catelyn sighes "I'll explain everything to her but i need you to do this Arina, please?"

Arina sighes "Fine. But you have to promise you will protect my daughter."

Catelyn nods "I will, i promise."

It's now time for Catelyn to leave, Ned and Catelyn has their moment. 

After a bit Arina walks up to them.  She looks at Catelyn and smiles.

"Please be careful. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Catelyn smiles "You too. We're Tullys."

Arina smiles "And Greyjoys and Starks.  We're strong."

Catelyn pulls Arina into a hug "I love you sister."

Arina smiles "I love you too." They pull away. "Now go. We'll be alright."

Catelyn goes to her horse.  Her and ser Rodrik rides off. 

Ned looks at her "Come on. Let's go get your room."  Arina nods and follow her.  

Kathryn is sitting with Robert in his chambers drinking wine. 

"So how is that Husband of yours? The knight of the flowers." Robert asks her. 

She sighes "He's fine.  I know he's not what you pictured as a husband for me.  But he's a good man.  I wouldn't want to be married to anyone else."  She tells him. 

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