Always Interrupted

Start from the beginning

"She was there..." Sam didn't mean to say it out loud it was supposed to be a thought.

"Who was there?"

"Um no one no one." Sam stuttered. Why couldn't she have met her at that point in time? That would've been amazing.

"Wait don't shake it off tell me Sam?"

"The girl I'm staying with...She was at the party." She said quietly reliving the party and remembering all the times they passed by each other or the times that she spotted the red hair.

"Red hair. Oh the girl that sang karaoke with us. I remember! But earlier you called her you like her? How did you end up staying with her?"

Sam explained how she saw Cat and rescued her and how ever since she meet the girl she's been feeling this attraction pulling her and making her stay.

"So this Cat girl. Do you think you have a shot?" There was a hint of sadness in his voice but he knew the right thing to do was support Sam. It was the least he could do for hurting her.

"Oh yeah mama has a shot! I can be pretty charming when I want to." She said with grin on her face. Just thinking about being more than friends with Cat made her the happiest person in the world.

"Hey Fred-wad...If you ever see my mom which I doubt you will unless you're in a bar...I want you to let her know that I'm okay." On a more serious note she knew she shouldn't have left her mother. Her mom depended on her and Sam didn't know how her mom would survive but she needed to leave. She wouldn't get stuck there being a parent to her mother. "I doubt she'll care but just let her know okay?"

They talked a little more about random memories and events that have happened since they went different ways. Sam looked at the time. It was getting late and she had spent all day in the food joint and walking around the area as she talked to Freddy.

"Hey it was nice talking to you and all but I think Cat gets out of school soon and I should really give her a ride home."

They said their goodbyes and Sam promised to keep in touch so that Freddy knew she was alive and well. He also attempted to give her advice on picking up girls but she just told him his tips never work.

Walking back to where she had left her bike she started it up until she remembered the message from Cat. Dammit Fred-bag made me forget. She quickly opened up the message and couldn't help but get butterflies in her stomach. 'Hey babe thanks for the ride. ;]' Gah she's adorable! I just feel like I could explode. Sam began to text back but had to think about what she could say that might give Cat the same feeling. 'You're welcome kid...I just couldn't say no to that cute pouty face you made this morning. ;D Can I pick you up?' and send. She hoped it got to the girl quickly and that she'd reply because she was craving Cat.

Speeding off on her motorcycle she made her way back to Hollywood Arts. It took a couple minutes but it finally came into sight...and so did a small group of girls including her little red head. She drove up to the curb, kicked down the stand, and got off the bike slowly. Sam took off her helmet and took her keys out making the bike turn off.

"Hey Tori how have you been?" She hadn't seen Tori since the incident with Steven. Good times...good times. Tori went up and hugged Sam and started asking her about why she was in Hollywood and if iCarly was going to get back together. "Hey there slow down. First of all I'm not a hugger so if you wouldn't mind." Tori immediately stopped hugging the blonde and joined the others standing awkwardly.

"They tied me up and took my bibble!" Cat lunged towards Sam grabbing her in a tight hug. She was really happy that the girl was here. Sam put her arms around Cat hugging back as she got looks from Tori.

"You said you weren't a hugger." Tori winked and formed a heart with her hands pretending that Sam and Cat were inside of it.

"I'm not! Cat stop hugging!" She felt bad but she had a reputation to uphold. Before letting go Cat raised up a little on her tippy toes and whispered into her ear "later?"

She let go of Sam and they all walked over to a nearby table.

Gah that was so hot. Cat drove Sam insane just by the little things she did. She had no idea why or how she could feel that way about Cat, the overly bubbly and crazy girl. I guess opposites do kind of attract.

She was rushed out of her thoughts by the dark haired girl that Sam never met but semi-remembered from the party. "So I hear you saved my best friend?"

"Yeah it was her or my burrito and I couldn't let her be carried away. Too much guilt." Jade's eyes didn't leave Sam for a second. This made Sam feel somewhat freaked out but she knew it was just her being a good friend. She just ignored the stare burning into her skin.

They talked a little more until Jade decided that investigating Sam was over for today. Sam and Cat walked towards the motorcycle while Jade and Tori headed over to the school parking lot. It was still light out and Cat begged Sam to take her on a drive around town before going home and that's what they did.

When they got back to the apartment they were both tired and ready to relax a bit. They decided that a movie would be perfect and Sam let Cat pick the movie because she would've started with her pouting if she didn't but she made sure to let her know that next time she'd get to pick the movie. Sam made popcorn as Cat got the movie and pullout couch ready.

"Here you go cupcake." Sam said as she handed the girl the bowl of freshly popped popcorn. Cat patted the empty space next to her and Sam listened. She laid down and covered up with a blanket half paying attention to the kid movie Cat had picked. Her eyes were hard to keep open.

Just a little nap. She thought to herself as her eyes closed fully. The hand that was holding her head up collapsed and her head rested onto Cat's shoulder.

Cat was so into the movie that she didn't even notice the other girl dozing off until her head fell softly against her shoulder. She began observing Sam's sleeping face and thought it was so cute. Pulling her phone out she took a picture so she could keep forever. She sent a picture to Jade and got a reply quickly. 'You two love birds don't have too much fun okay?' Jade was always so silly but that was one thing Cat loved about her. Moving the popcorn onto the counter she cuddled up closer to Sam's sleeping body and eventually she fell asleep to.

Sam woke up to a nibble on her cheek and a body laying on her she would've used one of her locks if she didn't realize it was Cat.

"hmm my...bibble." That explained the nibbling Sam thought to herself.

"You're so adorable Cat...I'm so lucky I met you." Sam brushed some hair out of Cat's face causing the girl to move around a bit. She gently placed a kiss on the sleeping girl's forehead...and then one on her cheek. She whispered a goodnight into her ear and was surprised to hear a response.

"Keep going." She could see that Cat's eyes were opened and looking at her.

"Hey I thought you were sleeping."

"...keep going...?" Cat asked looking into Sam's sleepy gaze.

"What do you mean kid?" Sam was confused at what the girl was talking about and then it happened again. Soft lips met her forehead but this time Cat kept going she kissed her cheek making butterflies flutter around her stomach.

"Oh." Sam knew exactly what she meant now. She placed her hand against the girl's cheek and led her to her own lips. She had wanted to kiss Cat for a while now and finally here she was. Sam was about to close the distance between their lips when there was a knock at the door. I swear I'm going to beat whoever that is.

Cat got up and answered the door opening it to see Dice with a rack of items he was attempting to sell. "Shut the door Cat!"

"But it's Dice and that wouldn't-" Sam cut the girl off when she got up and closed the door on the younger boy. She leaned in close to Cat and gave her one last kiss on the nose before going to their shared room to get some rest.


Ahhh I feel like a zombie...I really hope the chapters are good. I don't want to ruin the story. D; So hopefully I didn't. I hope you enjoyed. Give me some feedback. Read. Review. Suggest. I'd appreciate it.

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