Part 5: Just chilling, fixing

Start from the beginning

"No, no, no, not in here!" We all hear the Lizard mutter, we all turn to him and see that his skin seems to be peeling off. 

"Oooooh boy, he's turning back into a human." Max embarrassing looks away. Most of us look confused, but then I realize something....

Curt has no clothes on....


The elevator somehow manages to hold all of us, despite the number of weight we must carry with us combined. With this, the elevator *does* seem to be going slower, but hopefully we'll be able to weight it out.... dang it Y/N, no more puns.

Anyway, everyone stands in silence as we wait for the all-mighty sound....

Anyway, everyone stands in silence as we wait for the all-mighty sound

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This is the most unique elevator ride I've ever had.






The door unlocks, Peter opens the door for everyone, inviting them inside and everyone walks heads in, in a single-file line. Norman first, Otto second, Max comes third and challenges the door camera to a staring contest, and by the thing making glitching noises, I think Max won. Sandman comes next, followed by Curt Connors in human form.

Turns out Curt is still a human when life allows it, Max said he's a scientist at Oscorp who had only one arm and was shamed by it, so he tried something to grow a new one, but it also turned him into a Lizard, and just to spit it Connor's face, his arm then disappears when back to human form, ouch.

He also loses his clothes every time, but thankfully I was able to fetch him a S.T.A.R.K coat Peter had. 

"Alarm system, deactivated." An A.I says.

"So, do they fit or...?" I ask Curt as we head inside the apartment. Awkwardly trying to start conversation. 

"Yes, they're fine, thank you." Curt abruptly, but politely answers, so I just nod at him.

"Cool, and just letting you know....We don't got spares." I let him know. "So, if you go Wolfman on us again, I'm not letting you borrow my Spider-Man costume, next." I state clearly, that's mine and mine only!

Curt stares at me, surprised that such a thing exists. "I... doubt I'll need it." He assures me. Cool, cus he won't!

"Hey, May?" Peter talks to his aunt. "I feel kinda bad, using Happy's place like this."

"No, no, no. He'll get over it." May off-handily assures him, her attention mostly on the visitors (me included) trying to make themselves at home.

Max turns on the T.V by shooting a tiny bit of electricity at it, showing he still has some left. Sandman goes to sit down on the couch, and sand flies out, getting on the couch. "Oh, sorry." Flint apologizes, trying to wipe the sand off, but that obviously soils it even more

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