The anger didn't feel good anymore, but rather consuming. I picked up my wand and a small pocket knife. It felt amazing, even though later on I regretted feeling this way. 

I started walking out of my dorm. In the halls, there was no one else. The pocket knife was sticking out of my pocket slightly. I knew exactly where Loren would be at this time of the day.... the Black Lake. I walked out of the school and onto the grounds when someone walked in front of me. 

"Mattheo, now is REALLY not the time." I tried walking around him but he just walked in front of me again. I tried the other side but he did the same thing. His face didn't have his funny look on it, but it was rather serious. 

"MATTHEO! Move out of my fucking way, this is serious." 

Before I could move again pulled me back in front of him by my shoulders. 

"Why? So you can go suck the life out of Loren?" 

How does he know? 

"How to fuck do you know? And even if I was, what difference would it make? He's a waste of space, good for nothing."  

"I know because that is the exact same look I saw when you were approaching Tyler." 

"It doesn't matter!" I was starting to lose my temper. "He deserves it!"  

"He deserves karma but not like this! Not when you aren't in your right state of mind." 

I didn't say anything, but no way in hell was I changing my mind. He sighed and stepped out of the way. 

"If you want to do that, go ahead. But let me tell you what will happen. You'll kill him, or torture him, it'll feel amazing for a minute or two, and then you'll realize what you did, and you will regret it, and wallow in self pity, and I'll have be here, miserable, witnessing it." 

"I suppose you speak from experience," I spat out.  

"Sadly, yes. I leave the decision up to you, Snow." 

"And why? Why do you give a fuck?" 

"You know why." 

"NO! I DON'T! I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN MY LIFE ANYMORE! God... it's just. It's just so frustrating. I have no control over my own fucking life! I have to sit idly by while people make decisions that will alter the course! I have to lie to everyone about what I'm feeling, I have to be oblivious about the fact that we have something between us because of your STUPID father! I have to be in tournament. It's all BULLSHIT!" 

"Good. Good. See, don't take your anger out on Loren the wrong way." 

"You're infuriating! You know that?" I give him a death glare. 

He stayed silent. He stared at me with a look of pity on him, as if he felt helpless. 

"I- I don't know what the fuck I'm thinking. Stupid torture, UGH!" I wipe away the sweat that has formed around my face. "This is so fucking stupid." My voice breaks as I say this, I feel the whole weight of the world on my shoulders.  

I drop onto the ground and hug my knees and lean up against a tree. I contemplate everything I was planning to do, how stupid could I be. 

Mattheo didn't say anything as he sat next to me wrapped his arms over my shoulders. He didn't have to, I already knew everything he was trying to form into words. 

"Well isn't this sweet?" We both look up and see Loren smiling. "God, it was only a matter of time until you two lovebirds got together!"  

Mattheo got up immediately. "Found the herbs you were looking for Loren?" 

"Oh yes, I did. Thank you Love, your gesture was much appreciated." 

"You don't get to call me 'Love' anymore Loren. You are a sick bastard." I get up and stand alongside Mattheo. 

"Tsk tsk. It wasn't personal. It was necessary. Bros over hoes am I right?" 

"We're laughing so hard Loren." I can't help but roll my eyes at Loren's statement.  

"I know, I can be hilarious. But let's see, I just have to wait for this potion to brew, and then I get my friends, and we all can forget this miserable month ever happened." 

"Except for the fact that I can't Loren. You made sure of that. I have the BRUISES and cuts that will stay there for a while, reminding me of you, and your actions. I hope you're proud of myself." Before I can hear his respond, I walk away and make my way to the dorms, Mattheo doesn't follow me, but I got his message. 

When I arrived back to the dorms, there was a letter back from Sirius. 

Dear Snow, 

I hope you're doing well, thanks for updating me on how everything's going. Please tell Harry to mail me as soon as he can. You're finally developing some action in your life, way to go! Although a Riddle, that is a bit odd, but from what I heard, he isn't as bad as he is described to be. I don't blame you. I'm extremely sorry for what Loren has done to you, and I will visit you as soon as possible. I also hope we can figure out who put you in this tournament together. Dear child, please stay safe and keep a wide eye out, keep your friends close, and trust very few people. Keep updating me about the Loren and Mattheo situation, I'd love to hear about it. 

Don't forget about your studies as well! And do be sure to stay close with Harry, he really does care about you. Next time you mail me, use a different owl to avoid suspicion. Stay in touch-


P.S. Good luck in your blooming romance ;) 

I smirked at the last line. 

Thanks for reading guys! I wanted to add Sirius since he is an important father figure to Harry, and therefore, Snow. Please vote, it helps a lot! 

Word count: 1677

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