C36 || A Problem of Memory {2x15}

Start from the beginning

QUINN: How's that? You're living the life we all wanna live.

SIMON: You don't wanna be in my shoes. Trust me. Day or night, your heart can still get... shattered.

Clary looks down sadly.

QUINN: [to the bartender] Hey, make it two plasmas.

Luke looks concerned.

SIMON: Plasma?

QUINN: The hard stuff.

[The girl puts down two shot glasses and pours straight from the blood bag.]

BARTENDER: Your lucky night. Just enough for two.

[Quinn picks up a glass and holds it up.]

QUINN: Don't worry. This will make you forget your sorrow.

[Simon picks up the other glass and clinks it with Quinn's.]

SIMON: L'chaim.

[They take the shots and Simon's pupils widen.]

SIMON: Whoa. This is, this is strong. Really strong. [to bartender] Do you have any more of this?


QUINN: I know a place.

"By the Angel." Izzy said.


[Quinn opens a door and lets Simon in first.]


["Love Surrounds You" by Ramsey is playing. There are vampires feeding on people everywhere.]

"What the hell?" Pietro said.

"He brought you to a bleeder den." Silas deadpanned.

SIMON: What is this place?

QUINN: It's a bleeder den.

SIMON: So these people are just letting themselves be-

QUINN: Bitten.

"Isn't that a breach of the Accords?" Izzy said.

"I don't know." Alec said.

SIMON: There are mundanes that actually know that vampires exist?

QUINN: A few. They crave vampire venom more than we crave blood.

SIMON: Whoa. But isn't this all against the Accords?

QUINN: Uh, it's kind of a gray area. Everyone's having fun and no one is getting hurt.

Lena sighed.


[A blonde girl sees Simon from across the room. She smiles at him. Then she approaches Simon and Quinn.]

QUINN: Heidi, this is Simon.

[Heidi bites her lip. There's blood on it.]

HEIDI: Thirsty?

SIMON: I don't know. I... Last time I tried to feed on a human, I couldn't stop. I almost killed-

HEIDI: It's okay. It's okay. [getting closer and holding out her wrist] Just a little taste.

[Quinn holds up Heidi's arm to Simon's mouth.]

SIMON: Just a little...

[Simon bites in Heidi's arm. She moans.]

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