C36 || A Problem of Memory {2x15}

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CLARY: [V.O.] My name is Clary and I'm a Shadowhunter, born to protect mankind from demons. [It shows Clary walking out of the Institute's training room and the Angelic rune appears behind her. It then shows Clary killing a demon and fighting Circle Members. Then, Valentine slashing his blade threw the air.] A never-ending battle against evil, but I know who I can count on. [Clary is looking at someone off screen with a fearless look. Clary then creates the sunlight rune on her hand and shines it on a demon.] Simon, my oldest friend. A vampire. [It shows Simon smiling at Clary. Simon holding Clary in his arms and then a scene of Simon and Clary laughing and smiling at each other.] Magnus, a warlock from Brooklyn. [It shows two scenes of Magnus using his magic. Then a scene of Magnus and Alec together.] Luke, a werewolf pack leader and New York City cop. [It shows Luke's eyes glowing green. A scene of Luke's werewolf transformation, and then Luke pointing his gun to someone off screen.] Silas, one of the Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the Original Kryptonian Tribrid. [It shows the Avengers first Assemble. Then, Silas is walking threw a deserted street in his Tribrid form. It zooms out and you can see him standing in the center of red fire that creates the House of El symbol. In another scene, he's in his Tribrid form and standing face to face with Valentine, red flames forming a circle around them.] Helena, the un-triggered and fearless ShadowHunter Quinbrid and the Avenger known as Huntress, [Helena lands in a Black Widow pose with purple flames all around her. It shows Helena in her werewolf form on a cliff with a purple full moon behind her and she howls. Then scenes of her using her magic and her runes glowing violet purple. Then, it shows her fight scenes in Captain America & Superman: Civil War] and Jace, Izzy and Alec, three of the bravest Shadowhunters alive. [It shows Jace's eyes glowing golden, Izzy transforms her whip into a spear, then Alec shoots his arrow and it goes through glass. Then a montage of Jace, Alec, Izzy and Lena's fight scenes together.] Alone, we're strong. [A montage of everyone's fight scenes together.] Together, we are unstoppable.


[Simon enters the bar. His phone is ringing when he sits down at the bar. It's Clary. He declines the call. "Loud(y)" by Lewis Del Mar is playing in the background.]

Simon looks away hurt.

SIMON: [to the bartender] Can I have a pint of O-neg, please? To go.

BARTENDER: You got it.

[A guy approaches him and leans on the bar, it's another vamp, Quinn.]

QUINN: It's on me, Daylighter.

SIMON: Quinn. Thanks, but it's all good. I got it.

QUINN: Please.

SIMON: Okay.

QUINN: For a Daylighter, you're looking a little pale. You okay?

SIMON: I've had better days.

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