78| Harry and the Pensieve

Start from the beginning

Though, his magical eye wasn't looking around the room. It was looking down and to the side a little, like he was trying to fins something on the floor. When I glanced at the floor, I didn't see anything that Moody would possibly want. Especially if there wasn't anything on the floor. Moody's magical eye then rolled back around, coming back to the room they were currently in.

I then remembered what Ron had said about Mad-eye, his magical eye was able to see through things. A little like an x-ray can, or just if the walls were transparent. Maybe he wasn't looking for something on the floor, but something that was in a different room. But what's on the other side of the school that he'll want to look at? Great, now my head is starting to hurt from all this thinking. 

''Harry! How good to see you again.'' Fudge smiled. I gave him a weak smile in return. 

''I can come back later, Professor.'' I suggested, about to walk back out the door of the office. 

''Oh, not necessary, Harry.'' Dumbledore waved his hand a little in my direction. ''The Minister and I are done.'' He then starts walking down the small flight of stairs, passing by Fudge to stand next to me. Moody has his magical eye pointed to the side and a little towards the ground again, what was he looking at? ''I'll be back in a moment, Minister, after you.'' Fudge walked out the door. ''Harry, do feel free to indulge in a liquorish snack in my absence, but I have to warn you, they're a bit sharp.'' Dumbledore then walked out the door and Moody followed behind him, barely giving me a glance. 

I had decided not to worry about what Moody had been looking at, since for one, it had hurt my head. Two, I didn't think it would be anything important in my case. And three, because then it would turn into a whole other mystery that we don't need to solve at this moment. I had seen the bowl of the small liquorish candies that Dumbledore was talking about, reaching my hand in to take a couple. 

Before I could eat any of them, they seemed to be eating me instead. They bit my hand, making me breath through my teeth and throw them all onto the ground. Why did they do that? Are they supposed to do that? How does Dumbledore eat these kind of things? There we go with the questions again. I had moved away from the candy bowl, not wanting to get bit by another one of those. 

I moved around the room, looking for anything to focus on until Dumbledore came back through the office door. My foot happened to step on the bottom step of the small staircase that led to his desk, triggering a contraption as the step went down and the wall of the room on the side had turned. On the other side of the wall was a floating, silver thing. It looked like a plate. 

Inside the silver floating plate was water, looking like black smoke was fogging around inside of it. Curiosity got the best of me, as I stepped forward and looked into the silver plate full of water. I thought it was just normal liquid, thinking nothing would happen, but this is a Magical World I am in. As I was standing right above the floating silver plate, the sudden sensation of me falling had ran through my body. 

I had fallen and now was in a courtroom. A courtroom in the Ministry, with Barty Crouch standing at the podium with other Ministry people sitting behind him. Dumbledore was sat next to me with Moody sat behind him, off to the side, Rita Skeeter was jotting stuff down in her notebook. Maybe she isn't as annoying as she is every other time. 

Where the hell am I, anyway?

''Professor?'' I question to Dumbledore, he ignores me. 

''Professor.'' Another man comes and greets Dumbledore, the Headmaster standing to shake hands with the man. As they reach their hands out, they go right through my torso. It was like I'm a ghost now, something I never really wanted to become and never even thought about being until this very moment. 

[✓] 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now