"hey lady i got here first." the boy looks to her.

indie widens her eyes.

"move it."

the kids voice came out raspy at the lollipop hanging from his lips.

indie kneels down to his height with a fake smile.

grasping the stick of his lollipop and pulling it right out of his mouth.

"didn't you mom ever tell you not to talk with food in your mouth?" she told him with a raise of her brows.

the boy doesn't say anything all he does he stare at her with a soft smile.

indie looks to him with disgust.

"leave." she told sternly.

he started walking away.

only to turn back around.

"wait my lollipop." he points to the sweet in her hand.

she indicated for him to come closer.

he did with a blush.

then she stuck the sucker onto his forehead.

the boy doesn't cry all he does is stare at her with a smile.

"i think i'm in love with you." he looks up dreamily.

guess matt's not the only one.

"ugh." indigo grossed out entered the bathroom

walking into the hotel room indie sniffs loudly.

"the fuck you doing?" matthew asks with a weird tone.

"i love the smell of hotel rooms." she shrugged.

"why did you get a room with one bed indie?" matt asks when looking to the rooms.

"i didn't. i got twin beds." she scoffed looking around.

"i'm going to talk to them." she try's strutting down to the lobby.

suddenly being lifted off the ground by under her arm pits.

her legs still moving like she was walking.

indie clicks her tongue. "am i there yet?"

he shook his head.

"no you wont, sleeping in the same bed isn't a big deal." he told.

isnt it crazy that if you told indie and matt a few months ago that they would be sleeping in the same bed together. they would have threw up then proceeded to laugh in your face.

"oh." she gets set down her eyes going to his.

his hands letting go once reaching to her waist.

the gulps his spit.

i'm the curves of her body he found his religion.

"yeah. no it's not that big of a deal." her giggle was heard.

matt couldn't help but smile at the sound of her laugh.

he could not go another day without a i love you, he could feel it in his shoulders when he breaths.

"guys!" nick and chris come barging in.


"there's a hot tub!"

and with that everyone in the room had sprinted out.

"i still have water in my ear." indie huffs getting into bed with her wet hair braided.

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