Chapter 11 - These Stupid Serial Losers Can Wait a Second or Two

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"Damn bro that was one time. One time, let me live." I yell in embarrassment. Don't judge me, her food is amazing. I was binge watching Criminal Minds and I accidentally ate the entire pizza she made. Two of them actually, a vegetable one and a pepperoni one.

"Anyways, I'm dead so I will go sleep and I would rather be left that way... if you don't mind."

"Of course not. I'm supposed to be doing all this research anyways. Sweet dreams girl. And thank you... for everything."

"I should be the one thanking you Soph. You're a good person. Being your roommate the past few weeks made me feel like I have a grip on my life. So thanks! Okay going to sleep now later skater!"


I don't think she even heard me because she yeeted out of there like she was Barry Allen. I thought the nice smell I smelled was her cooking breakfast, not making me food. That is actually even better.

Right then, my phone dinged and funny enough, it was a message from her.

From LaraTCS:

BEE TEE DUBS!! i also made you some Belgian waffles with some fruits and whipped cream!! they're on the island to the right of the microwave, covered with a clear, plastic cover! 


OMG! u r the best wth <3 Sophia doesn't deserve you!!

From LaraTCS:

more like i don't deserve her <3 

 These stupid serial losers can wait a second or two. I got too excited that I got up so fast. My anemia got startled and I came crashing on the floor before I even had the chance to hold on to something; hitting my head against the foot of my bed so hard.

It all went so dark so fast and I didn't feel anything at all as I went into what I thought was a few seconds of lights out.

Turns out, it definitely wasn't.

Not even close.

The pain surrounded my head whole and it throbbed more painfully than I've ever thought possible. The pain materialized into a bubble that surrounded me and engulfed me in a ball of white. It got brighter and brighter until it went completely dark. I could hear people talking, but it was hard to make out what they were saying exactly. That didn't matter though because slowly, their voices all mushed into one big noise. Then that noise, slowly - but painfully - died down until I was consumed in nothing but darkness.

I'm sure that sleep works in mysterious ways, because it feels like I only dozed off for a few minutes in my room. Well... reality was a little weirder.

"Hey, she's waking up!" I heard someone whisper.

I opened my eyes and everything came slamming at full force. My head was in pain, my chest killed me, and my eyes were blinded by the stupid light facing me, and I feel severely nauseated. I don't know who the hell approved these blinding lights to be the first thing a person sees, but they suck.

"Ow." I tried sitting up, but my head spun and I came crashing down on something semi-hard. This is definitely not my bed

"Hey. Hey, take it easy Soph." I looked to where the sound came from to see Cooper and Landon walking towards me.

"What.." AHEM. My throat was drier than a Las Vegas desert during a mid-summer heatstroke. 

Cooper poured me a glass of water while Landon raised my bed up. I took a sip, and that sip turned into a ginormous gulp. 

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